(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[7.50]TM[1800] PW[Mogo]PB[FlexGo]DT[2009-05-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[flexgo [-\]: GTP Engine for flexgo (black): flexgo version 3.1 Mogo [-\]: GTP Engine for Mogo (white): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ]RE[W+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1799.392] ;W[ec]WL[1799.63] ;B[fc]BL[1799.058] ;W[eg]WL[1799.328] ;B[ed]BL[1798.708] ;W[dc]WL[1799.069] ;B[fb]BL[1798.388]C[arpad [?\]: good luck xiefan [?\]: thanks xiefan [?\]: you are now a phd student? ] ;W[df]WL[1610.496]C[arpad [?\]: yes arpad [?\]: it's my last year ] ;B[ce]BL[1751.097]C[xiefan [?\]: are you Prof. Gelly's phd student? arpad [?\]: Gelly is not a researcher any more arpad [?\]: he works for google now arpad [?\]: i work a lot with Olivier Teytaud RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Hi arpad [?\]: hello ] ;W[de]WL[1442.247] ;B[dd]BL[1720.596]C[arpad [?\]: why didn't you come to Pamplona? xiefan [?\]: hi, remi RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I am busy with plenty of things here. RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Also, it is revolution at univ-lille3. RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Students voted against exams yesterday. arpad [?\]: it should be interesting RemiCoulom [4k?\]: It is almost as fun as the computer olympiad :-) ] ;W[cd]WL[1294.578]C[arpad [?\]: i hope it will be the same in Orsay xiefan [?\]: I heard a lot about things in France university ] ;B[cc]BL[1690.044]C[arpad [?\]: it sounds like fun xiefan [?\]: en, these things are impossible in China ] ;W[bd]WL[1161.712]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I expect it is impossible anywhere else but in France. RemiCoulom [4k?\]: French University is really special. ] ;B[bc]BL[1654.525] ;W[be]WL[1041.259] ;B[ff]BL[1604.023]C[xiefan [?\]: we have a lot of complaint about our university xiefan [?\]: however, the leader of universities in China do not care the feeling of us ] ;W[fg]WL[930.774]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I see. The problem in France is a bit different. It is more universities against governement than student against university. ] ;B[gg]BL[1564.531]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I can see you on the webcam. Well, I see Arpad and Kato-san. arpad [?\]: hi :) ] ;W[gf]WL[829.635]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: who are the two other persons ? arpad [?\]: Jean Baptiste Hook ] ;B[ge]BL[1533.995]C[arpad [?\]: an ingeenier working on mogo arpad [?\]: and Fabien Teytaud arpad [?\]: a cousin of Olivier Teytaud arpad [?\]: he applied MCTS to the game of Havannah RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Hi guys :-) ] ;W[gh]WL[737.647] ;B[hf]BL[1503.444]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I will start working on Havannah next month. arpad [?\]: maybe you could talk about it with Fabien arpad [?\]: what method will you use? xiefan [?\]: I applied MCTS to a game called Dead-End ] ;W[ac]WL[656.418]C[xiefan [?\]: and use the data created by MCTS to train a nueral network ] ;B[ab]BL[1467.916]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: It will be based on MCTS. We will start by implementing Go algorithms for Havannah, and then we'll see. RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I can see Martin. RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Hi Martin arpad [?\]: that's frightening :) RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I'll be able to help with the web site between 8pm and 8:30pm. ] ;W[bb]WL[583.33]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: (tell Martin) arpad [?\]: ok RemiCoulom [4k?\]: What is frightening ? Martin ? ] ;B[cb]BL[1437.396]C[arpad [?\]: more the fact the everybody can see us ^^ arpad [?\]: where is the camera? ] ;W[aa]WL[519.502]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: It is in your back :-) RemiCoulom [4k?\]: I have to go. arpad [?\]: aargl arpad [?\]: bye RemiCoulom [4k?\]: See you later. ] ;B[da]BL[1396.859]C[arpad [?\]: see you ] ;W[hh]WL[461.305] ;B[ef]BL[1353.346] ;W[cf]WL[407.709] ;B[dg]BL[1322.825] ;W[dh]WL[361.757]C[xiefan [?\]: my program has lost this game ] ;B[cg]BL[1278.174]C[aboulafia [-\]: can still win by time ;) ] ;W[bg]WL[321.775] ;B[ch]BL[1245.65] ;W[bh]WL[283.701]C[xiefan [?\]: I think program would resign first ] ;B[fh]BL[1201.051] ;W[eh]WL[251.404] ;B[fi]BL[1152.49] ;W[gi]WL[224.164] ;B[ih]BL[1121.218] ;W[ad]WL[197.702] ;B[ba]BL[1090.693] ;W[hg]WL[175.193] ;B[af]BL[1064.173] ;W[ci]WL[154.885])