(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[GoGui:1.1.9]SZ[9] KM[7.5]TM[1800]PB[Mogo]PW[Fudo Go]DT[2009-05-11]RE[B+Resign]RU[Chinese] C[Mogo [-\]: GTP Engine for Mogo (black): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) FudoBot [-\]: GTP Engine for FudoBot (white): Fudo Go version 3.0 ] PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]ST[2];B[ee]BL[1799.482];W[ec] WL[1727.266];B[fc]BL[1799.059];W[fb]WL[1652.015];B[fd]BL[1798.726];W[ce] WL[1579.083];B[cd]BL[1798.44];W[dd]WL[1503.794];B[de]BL[1614.479];W[cc] WL[1429.771] ;B[bd]BL[1447.728];W[bc] C[gghideki [2k\]: 49% for B, Arpad said. ] WL[1337.778];B[cf] C[Hannoskaj [?\]: Given that MC is optimistic about its own chances, that looks like good news for w, doesn't it ? ] BL[1291.004];W[hg] C[gghideki [2k\]: Maybe. chiaping: interesting gghideki [2k\]: Now 52% gghideki [2k\]: for B Hannoskaj [?\]: Ah... ] WL[1253.738];B[gh]BL[1149.46];W[gg]WL[1181.401];B[fh] C[chiaping: H6 is better or H5? ] BL[1026.237];W[hd] C[chiaping: perplex ] WL[1062.442];B[gb] C[chiaping: H2 ] BL[910.989];W[be]WL[989.151] ;B[hc] C[gghideki [2k\]: G5? ] BL[814.435];W[fg] C[chiaping: it's GOOD move chiaping: G5 Hannoskaj [?\]: That f3 also makes it possible to cut at d4. ] WL[916.829];B[eg] C[MaLa [1d\]: white is plain dead imho MaLa [1d\]: and that since several moves chiaping: now is very important MaLa [1d\]: he could have lived... but then the top would have died MaLa [1d\]: which is not better ] BL[724.811];W[eh]WL[841.079];B[dh]BL[644.595];W[hh] C[chiaping: white's two block of territory maybe reduce gghideki [2k\]: W is losing.... I believe MaLa [1d\]: W is still dead, imho chiaping: Black H5 B4 D8 is very huge ] WL[759.079];B[he]BL[573.81];W[ge]WL[685.823];B[gd] C[gghideki [2k\]: 77 for B :( ] BL[509.98];W[ff]WL[597.677] ;B[bf]BL[452.003];W[ae]WL[523.746];B[ei]BL[399.502];W[id] C[MaLa [1d\]: ayone beat mogo yet? ] WL[449.716];B[hf] C[gghideki [2k\]: Today? MaLa [1d\]: yep gghideki [2k\]: No lunia [2d\]: only two games so far Hannoskaj [?\]: By the way, when are the 19*19 games planned ? lunia [2d\]: thursday and saturday Hannoskaj [?\]: Thank you. lunia [2d\]: you're welcome ] BL[353.097];W[df]WL[328.586];B[ef]BL[313.797])