(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[3600] PW[Mogo]PB[Fuego]BR[2k]DT[2009-05-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Fuego [2k\]: GTP Engine for Fuego (black): FuegoEx version 6.6.CVS ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[pp]BL[3599.641]C[Mogo [-\]: GTP Engine for Mogo (white): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ] ;W[pd]WL[3592.832] ;B[cp]BL[3599.299] ;W[dd]WL[3592.547] ;B[cf]BL[3599.034] ;W[dh]WL[3574.556] ;B[qh]BL[3546.351] ;W[df]WL[3555.565] ;B[hq]BL[3498.229] ;W[mi]WL[3535.481] ;B[dg]BL[3466.484] ;W[cg]WL[3514.814] ;B[eg]BL[3441.039] ;W[ch]WL[3493.407] ;B[de]BL[3417.422] ;W[ce]WL[3471.032] ;B[ef]BL[3392.389] ;W[bf]WL[3447.582] ;B[ed]BL[3366.416] ;W[cd]WL[3423.262] ;B[ec]BL[3320.674] ;W[ql]WL[3397.21] ;B[qf]BL[3285.596]C[derPlumps [2d\]: how to play in joseki deviation? :) (looking at top left) mmueller [-\]: H3 was a very modern move played completely by accident :) ] ;W[qe]WL[3370.023]C[derPlumps [2d\]: wow mmueller [-\]: top left looks OK for both derPlumps [2d\]: fuego genius mmueller [-\]: random genius :) ] ;B[qj]BL[3245.611] ;W[pf]WL[3341.086] ;B[pk]BL[3204.959] ;W[qg]WL[3311.374]C[xcut [1d\]: i was quite impressed with h3 too :) ] ;B[pg]BL[3175.857] ;W[rf]WL[3281.243]C[Kommodore [8k\]: is this a computer olympiad game? ] ;B[og]BL[3152.757]C[al1 [1k\]: yes Kommodore [8k\]: I see. ^.^ ] ;W[rh]WL[3249.192]C[al1 [1k\]: Current results from computer olympiad, Pamplona: 9x9 http://www.grappa.univ-lille3.fr/icga/tournament.php?id=194 19x19 http://www.grappa.univ-lille3.fr/icga/tournament.php?id=193 Kommodore [8k\]: I know. :) I just got back from there. xcut [1d\]: now we shall see if fuego is dan material mmueller [-\]: not yet :( ] ;B[pl]BL[3102.356]C[mmueller [-\]: but getting there... xcut [1d\]: that was a good move though, it did not respond locally ] ;W[qm]WL[3216.286]C[rsegal [?\]: not yet, maybe saturday :-) mmueller [-\]: yes it plays many good moves, but... xcut [1d\]: :) Kommodore [8k\]: what the heck is fuego thinking...? O.o ] ;B[mj]BL[3069.119]C[rsegal [?\]: .52 N10 H17 M11 N12 M12 N13 C3 R11 Q11 Q12 P12 R12 O11 O10 O9 P10 mmueller [-\]: do you want a printout? xcut [1d\]: haha Kommodore [8k\]: O.O ] ;W[qi]WL[3181.858]C[xcut [1d\]: N10 - fuego is clearly playing for the audience ] ;B[nj]BL[3034.766]C[rsegal [?\]: Some masters student has to add a chatbot to Fuego so it can have some personality. ] ;W[oi]WL[3146.458]C[xcut [1d\]: KGS doesn't support it :( i thought about that before... ] ;B[ni]BL[3011.249] ;W[nh]WL[3109.329]C[xcut [1d\]: mogo p11 was a good shape move ] ;B[oh]BL[2987.808] ;W[ng]WL[3072.38] ;B[pi]BL[2973.069]C[HYamashita [3k\]: ko? xcut [1d\]: shame it missed the q11 followup :( ] ;W[of]WL[3033.531] ;B[oj]BL[2966.479] ;W[ph]WL[2993.342]C[Kommodore [8k\]: small point? Kommodore [8k\]: *points? al1 [1k\]: yes it seems small al1 [1k\]: w already alive ] ;B[fi]BL[2920.6]C[Kommodore [8k\]: aiya! al1 [1k\]: i would l17% al1 [1k\]: l17* xcut [1d\]: it affects the r7 stones Kommodore [8k\]: maybe he didn't think he was thick enough? Kommodore [8k\]: O.o ] ;W[iq]WL[2952.015]C[Kommodore [8k\]: ah. I see. <_< ] ;B[ip]BL[2894.111]C[Kommodore [8k\]: is white insane? Kommodore [8k\]: hey, what types of engines do these bots run on? al1 [1k\]: its on the site Kommodore [8k\]: oh. XD ] ;W[hp]WL[2910.082]C[al1 [1k\]: :) ] ;B[jq]BL[2869.787] ;W[ir]WL[2866.8] ;B[jr]BL[2863.709] ;W[jp]WL[2822.505] ;B[io]BL[2842.144]C[Kommodore [8k\]: does this favor black? derPlumps [2d\]: anything is possible in computer-go :) ] ;W[hr]WL[2777.072] ;B[gq]BL[2837.603]C[derPlumps [2d\]: normally we say white is looking for sabaki Kommodore [8k\]: that? Sabaki? <_< rsegal [?\]: .57 G3 G2 F3 F2 E3 K5 L3 J6 H5 E2 H6 S10 N3 E9 M11 N12 M12 O14 M13 P11 P12 Q13 G4 D14 E15 derPlumps [2d\]: hehe ] ;W[gr]WL[2730.017] ;B[fq]BL[2832.028]C[derPlumps [2d\]: rsegal, can you please explain? or only internal data? al1 [1k\]: it seems that both messed up with cross cut ibd [13k\]: winning perncentage, followed by expected moves ] ;W[jo]WL[2681.114]C[Kommodore [8k\]: xD derPlumps [2d\]: engine? ] ;B[lq]BL[2810.056]C[HYamashita [3k\]: w looks trouble... xcut [1d\]: m3! xcut [1d\]: time for mogo's hamete module to take over Kommodore [8k\]: hamete module...? ibd [13k\]: module? ] ;W[eq]WL[2631.426]C[ibd [13k\]: I don't think mogo has :p derPlumps [2d\]: xcut's joke module Kommodore [8k\]: what is hamete? ] ;B[fr]BL[2790.781]C[xcut [1d\]: :) xcut [1d\]: trick play Kommodore [8k\]: oh. =D ] ;W[er]WL[2580.904]C[derPlumps [2d\]: rsegal's sequence is funny ] ;B[ep]BL[2759.687]C[ibd [13k\]: it's mostly noise after 4-5 moves, no? derPlumps [2d\]: yes Kommodore [8k\]: where does he get his sequence from? rsegal [?\]: Fuego's mouth. Kommodore [8k\]: ah. I see. <_< derPlumps [2d\]: doesnt mogo use patterns? there should be a pattern entry declaring second line crawl is bad bad bad ] ;W[go]WL[2529.368]C[rsegal [?\]: .59 E4 F1 G4 C2 H5 L3 L2 E12 ibd [13k\]: wtf derPlumps [2d\]: omg xcut [1d\]: i think declaring second line crawls bad ain't a good idea in MC programs ibd [13k\]: I killed fuego by talking to it :o Kommodore [8k\]: :@ Kommodore [8k\]: :O Kommodore [8k\]: that was just all over the damn place. Fuego [2k\]: GTP Engine for Fuego (black): FuegoEx version 6.6.CVS derPlumps [2d\]: update? :-) ] ;B[ho]BL[2736.197]C[Kommodore [8k\]: f4 would be a riot. xcut [1d\]: white would die after f4 i think ] ;W[fs]WL[2476.291]C[Kommodore [8k\]: I know. XD but it's possible she would expect G4. ] ;B[gp]BL[2714.647]C[Kommodore [8k\]: fuego is going for the center? derPlumps [2d\]: no strategy Kommodore [8k\]: XD derPlumps [2d\]: it's just answering xcut [1d\]: good enough Kommodore [8k\]: horrible. ] ;W[fo]WL[2422.137]C[xcut [1d\]: w is dead derPlumps [2d\]: except k3 there was nothing else possible ] ;B[fp]BL[2691.508]C[xcut [1d\]: yeah white's problems started at k4 ] ;W[lp]WL[2366.26]C[xcut [1d\]: this used to be called the kyu player atari disease.. Kommodore [8k\]: oh! horrible! derPlumps [2d\]: hm not so easy to read ] ;B[mq]BL[2652.895]C[Kommodore [8k\]: it still has no benefit in the long run. Kommodore [8k\]: where's M4 going to make territory? Kommodore [8k\]: where, huh? Kommodore [8k\]: and it can't attack anything. ] ;W[dp]WL[2309.858]C[al1 [1k\]: derPlumps you mean that k3 atari isnormal move here, not a mistake ? derPlumps [2d\]: no no derPlumps [2d\]: i mean it was a choice ] ;B[dq]BL[2632.142]C[derPlumps [2d\]: but all the following moves by black seemed indiscutable chiaping [?\]: Game Over sonn chiaping [?\]: soon wotan123 [2d\]: over al1 [1k\]: ok, and what should have done white ? sacrify 2 stones and go g3 g2 ? ] ;W[do]WL[2252.648]C[xcut [1d\]: probably yes al1 derPlumps [2d\]: (indisputable) Kommodore [8k\]: D2 D2!!! xcut [1d\]: it leaves black a big moyo on the right though ] ;B[dr]BL[2610.963]C[wotan123 [2d\]: the winner is fuego Kommodore [8k\]: nice! xcut [1d\]: too early to smoke cigars :) mmueller [-\]: won the battle, not the war derPlumps [2d\]: score, please, rsegal ? Kommodore [8k\]: *puff puff* Kommodore [8k\]: :D xcut [1d\]: rsegal can see if fuego is smoking a cigar derPlumps [2d\]: hehe wotan123 [2d\]: this battle seems half of the war rsegal [?\]: .62 D2 E5 E1 L3 L2 S10 M11 E12 D17 C17 C18 B18 D18 B17 B19 A18 C19 D14 E15 C14 G1 P11 P12 ] ;W[in]WL[2195.093]C[xcut [1d\]: .62 ! derPlumps [2d\]: 5% plus is fairly big, yes? xcut [1d\]: conservative ] ;B[hn]BL[2591.025]C[rsegal [?\]: .66 H6 C3 C2 E12 M11 S10 derPlumps [2d\]: now white makes toothpaste xcut [1d\]: mogo has not lost so far, so this is important derPlumps [2d\]: we need .95 for resignation? ] ;W[hm]WL[2137.547]C[xcut [1d\]: need .95 in mogo, derplumps derPlumps [2d\]: .05 xcut [1d\]: or whatever it is al1 [1k\]: maybe in tournament they dont resign ] ;B[im]BL[2563.234]C[derPlumps [2d\]: they do :) xcut [1d\]: i'm sure it will, maybe a higher setting derPlumps [2d\]: yes Kommodore [8k\]: that would take forever if they didn't resign. <_< derPlumps [2d\]: who cares? :) xcut [1d\]: the board is too empty to resign derPlumps [2d\]: watching can be only enjoyable xcut [1d\]: not for the fuego team haha Kommodore [8k\]: not if you have to go somewhere soon. :( derPlumps [2d\]: unsure, xcut ] ;W[jn]WL[2079.364]C[rsegal [?\]: Nothing is certain with MC ] ;B[gm]BL[2543.03]C[mmueller [-\]: g7 bad, just g6 better Kommodore [8k\]: indeed. mmueller [-\]: pv? xcut [1d\]: mmueller the atari patterns are in the playout stage, not the tree part, right? derPlumps [2d\]: no need for genius moves now mmueller [-\]: kind of both.. ] ;W[hl]WL[2020.66]C[derPlumps [2d\]: kyus atari, pros capture :) ] ;B[gn]BL[2523.38]C[Kommodore [8k\]: nice. :D xcut [1d\]: i wonder how "don't play atari if not necessary" can be reconciled with that.. rsegal [?\]: .64 G6 K8 K17 C5 R12 derPlumps [2d\]: xcut, MC is always looking for greedy moves xcut [1d\]: tough job for you guys derPlumps [2d\]: this g7 atari lost 2%-points, it seems :) ] ;W[jl]WL[1963.31]C[xcut [1d\]: well, ajikeshi is hard to score :) ] ;B[gl]BL[2493.072]C[derPlumps [2d\]: same as walls, no? (thickness) ] ;W[kq]WL[1904.244]C[Kommodore [8k\]: the frak? ] ;B[kr]BL[2474.68] ;W[eo]WL[1845.981] ;B[hp]BL[2455.606]C[xcut [1d\]: uh xcut [1d\]: that was a biggish mistake ] ;W[cq]WL[1787.239] ;B[cr]BL[2419.318]C[xcut [1d\]: surprising, too, that this move scored higher than e1 capture mmueller [-\]: bad, but not fatal ] ;W[bq]WL[1730.15] ;B[il]BL[2399.334]C[rsegal [?\]: .64 J8 B2 D1 M11 M10 L10 L11 K10 K11 J11 N12 ] ;W[br]WL[1673.81] ;B[ds]BL[2393.221]C[xcut [1d\]: fuego hates e1 :) mmueller [-\]: really D1.. al1 [1k\]: lol rsegal [?\]: Oops. forgote e1 in the list of legal moves. ] ;W[hk]WL[1618.418]C[xcut [1d\]: you mean fuego thought e1 was illegal? ] ;B[ik]BL[2374.776]C[al1 [1k\]: joke rsegal [?\]: Yes, joke. ChemBoy613 [1k\]: d1 isn't so bad xcut [1d\]: :) mmueller [-\]: a little basd, not fatasl rsegal [?\]: As in, I only told it about 360 board positions. ] ;W[lj]WL[1565.44] ;B[lk]BL[2342.694]C[al1 [1k\]: . xcut [1d\]: the time difference is quite striking ] ;W[kj]WL[1515.019] ;B[li]BL[2321.062] ;W[ki]WL[1465.277] ;B[lh]BL[2292.352] ;W[ij]WL[1418.097] ;B[hj]BL[2273.214]C[ChemBoy613 [1k\]: mogo is kind of a slow program ] ;W[gk]WL[1372.526]C[mmueller [-\]: b dead here ] ;B[fk]BL[2250.45] ;W[gj]WL[1328.336] ;B[gi]BL[2244.251]C[mmueller [-\]: b should buid a wall and try c6 or so now ChemBoy613 [1k\]: squeeze for the fun of it xcut [1d\]: agree mmueller Barcelona [3k?\]: fuego is trashing mogo ChemBoy613 [1k\]: it's not so bad for white ] ;W[hi]WL[1285.341] ;B[fj]BL[2228.888] ;W[hj]WL[1243.681] ;B[qh]BL[2195.162]C[ChemBoy613 [1k\]: if white gets r3 xcut [1d\]: B is going after r8! ] ;W[gs]WL[1202.341]C[al1 [1k\]: j1 ? Barcelona [3k?\]: g1 must think mogo thinkgs hes losing ] ;B[hh]BL[2167.633]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: mean* Barcelona [3k?\]: oh my chiaping [?\]: 0.0 Barcelona [3k?\]: what the ] ;W[es]WL[1163.245]C[chiaping [?\]: I can't believe it Barcelona [3k?\]: fuego is nuts xcut [1d\]: shudder ] ;B[jj]BL[2151.676]C[xcut [1d\]: had 2 chances for e1 :( rsegal [?\]: .59 K10 J11 K11 J12 K9 J13 F8 L12 L9 L13 M13 M14 L17 L14 S11 N4 O4 segfault [1d?\]: is fuego monte carlo based too? Barcelona [3k?\]: think so ] ;W[ii]WL[1124.941] ;B[ji]BL[2143.711]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: this is going nowhere xcut [1d\]: if w cuts at f8, b is captured ] ;W[ih]WL[1088.393] ;B[jk]BL[2131.199] ;W[ig]WL[1052.533]C[chiaping [?\]: E1 may be illegal move for Black.......XD ] ;B[el]BL[2112.335] ;W[kh]WL[1018.235]C[xcut [1d\]: if B can keep the whole lower right quadrant... maybe it's ok ] ;B[kk]BL[2104.818] ;W[kg]WL[983.929]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: quite a bet xcut [1d\]: and needs to keep it using a tenuki at the top i think segfault [1d?\]: I think this reault might actually be better than connecting at E1 ] ;B[ic]BL[2070.751] ;W[ph]WL[950.777] ;B[mg]BL[2043.877] ;W[oi]WL[918.544] ;B[mh]BL[2017.016] ;W[mf]WL[887.361] ;B[jh]BL[1997.544]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: this bots dont care about kos ] ;W[jg]WL[856.903] ;B[lf]BL[1992.416]C[mmueller [-\]: k12 insanely bad move ] ;W[lg]WL[828.205]C[ibd [13k\]: lol ] ;B[mi]BL[1986.435]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: it doesnt change much, both lose libs Barcelona [3k?\]: but should be saved ] ;W[le]WL[800.64]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: ah Barcelona [3k?\]: i see the reason now ] ;B[kf]BL[1971.075]C[ibd [13k\]: you're the swissexplorer dev, right? Barcelona [3k?\]: break the net ] ;W[je]WL[773.566]C[Barcelona [3k?\]: w is connected tho ] ;B[me]BL[1955.651]C[chiaping [?\]: the strategy for Fuego is very greedy ] ;W[nf]WL[746.823] ;B[ke]BL[1951.604]C[ibd [13k\]: :( xcut [1d\]: atari on wrong side ] ;W[kd]WL[721.208] ;B[ld]BL[1946.653]C[ibd [13k\]: why not w k14? xcut [1d\]: ibd, white is squeezing ] ;W[jf]WL[696.721] ;B[le]BL[1940.656] ;W[jc]WL[673.403] ;B[lb]BL[1933.308] ;W[id]WL[649.387]C[segfault [1d?\]: we should have bad shape contest for bots too :p ] ;B[hc]BL[1911.635] ;W[kb]WL[627.162]C[ibd [13k\]: b is winning ibd [13k\]: b2 at h3 ] ;B[ib]BL[1883.792]C[xcut [1d\]: looks like W winning to me now ] ;W[la]WL[605.932]C[ibd [13k\]: I mean winning bad shape contest ;) ] ;B[mb]BL[1863.626]C[chiaping [?\]: oh no... chiaping [?\]: Ko was better ] ;W[hd]WL[583.061] ;B[pb]BL[1860.169]C[xcut [1d\]: b wants semeai ] ;W[nd]WL[562.67]C[xcut [1d\]: or maybe he saw white's clock is low :P ibd [13k\]: lol ] ;B[ob]BL[1838.676] ;W[lc]WL[543.161] ;B[mc]BL[1835.583]C[xcut [1d\]: mega ko, hooray! ibd [13k\]: yay ] ;W[md]WL[524.104] ;B[kc]BL[1821.111]C[ibd [13k\]: imo MC bots are good at kos xcut [1d\]: i agree ] ;W[ml]WL[506.383]C[xcut [1d\]: because it comes naturally without extra code :) ] ;B[mk]BL[1811.268] ;W[lc]WL[488.626]C[ibd [13k\]: yes :) ] ;B[is]BL[1807.822] ;W[kc]WL[471.07]C[gogonuts [4d\]: if this wasnt a bot game id say the area aound e1 is a mistake in the game record ] ;B[hs]BL[1793.837]C[xcut [1d\]: bad exchange for white ] ;W[pm]WL[454.886] ;B[om]BL[1776.133] ;W[on]WL[438.776] ;B[nn]BL[1761.277]C[xcut [1d\]: r17 or s17 still live by the look of it ] ;W[nm]WL[423.272] ;B[ol]BL[1747.65] ;W[no]WL[408.536] ;B[pn]BL[1733.112]C[gogonuts [4d\]: oops ] ;W[mn]WL[393.973]C[gogonuts [4d\]: q6 possible? ] ;B[oo]BL[1719.569] ;W[nn]WL[380.403]C[xcut [1d\]: risky ] ;B[qn]BL[1703.96] ;W[rn]WL[366.749] ;B[rk]BL[1681.748] ;W[qp]WL[353.99]C[xcut [1d\]: wow ] ;B[pq]BL[1674.326]C[gogonuts [4d\]: the bots have advanced from crazy to crazy genius :-) ] ;W[po]WL[341.452] ;B[qo]BL[1661.482] ;W[ro]WL[328.744]C[dalamyst [1k\]: b+ time soon ] ;B[po]BL[1658.596]C[xcut [1d\]: mogo will start deteriorating soon ] ;W[qq]WL[316.818] ;B[pr]BL[1634.56] ;W[lm]WL[305.559] ;B[nl]BL[1631.342] ;W[lo]WL[294.206]C[xcut [1d\]: B is ok gogonuts [4d\]: we will see ] ;B[ll]BL[1610.796]C[xcut [1d\]: argh xcut [1d\]: K7 would have worked i think ] ;W[mp]WL[283.48] ;B[cn]BL[1587.821] ;W[kl]WL[272.975]C[gogonuts [4d\]: c6 was a sporting tenuki ] ;B[qk]BL[1571.633]C[chiaping [?\]: Mogo 's thinking time is not enought ] ;W[cm]WL[262.725]C[mmueller [-\]: c6 pretty good ] ;B[dn]BL[1555.954]C[xcut [1d\]: fuego has cojones ] ;W[co]WL[253.174] ;B[bo]BL[1543.849] ;W[sl]WL[244.067]C[gogonuts [4d\]: and tesujinos al1 [1k\]: lol rsegal [?\]: .59 B5 S7 S2 S3 P12 R2 R1 T2 S1 O3 O2 L4 N2 H13 E6 B4 A5 B6 B7 A7 ] ;B[rl]BL[1531.588] ;W[rm]WL[235.322] ;B[rr]BL[1525.516] ;W[bn]WL[226.078] ;B[bm]BL[1513.629] ;W[am]WL[217.627]C[xcut [1d\]: black is switching sides so white loses time pressing the clock ] ;B[an]BL[1501.616] ;W[rq]WL[209.183]C[xcut [1d\]: i wanna see t4 now Lew [2d\]: t3 ibd [13k\]: se fails ] ;B[qr]BL[1486.099]C[gogonuts [4d\]: im getting the unpleasant feeling that this playing is above my head :-) ] ;W[sp]WL[201.119]C[xcut [1d\]: omg ] ;B[sr]BL[1474.009] ;W[sq]WL[193.433]C[Lew [2d\]: P12? ] ;B[oh]BL[1470.918] ;W[ok]WL[185.912]C[ibd [13k\]: lol ibd [13k\]: ouch gogonuts [4d\]: b got p12 just in time :-) ] ;B[bj]BL[1456.328] ;W[db]WL[179.074]C[xcut [1d\]: mogo is too low on time to compete it seems :( ] ;B[dc]BL[1444.331] ;W[cc]WL[171.789] ;B[eb]BL[1433.759] ;W[nq]WL[165.05] ;B[nr]BL[1423.204] ;W[mr]WL[159.035]C[RemiCoulom [4k?\]: What are the rules for a 3-way playoff ? ] ;B[lr]BL[1412.001] ;W[or]WL[152.618]C[ibd [13k\]: kokoko ] ;B[ms]BL[1406.07] ;W[oq]WL[146.665]C[xcut [1d\]: no this time ibd :) gogonuts [4d\]: good question ibd [13k\]: aww ] ;B[os]BL[1395.275] ;W[gc]WL[140.812]C[gogonuts [4d\]: 3-way playout rules can be bizarre xcut [1d\]: i wanna see black r17 :) ibd [13k\]: yes ] ;B[gb]BL[1379.581] ;W[cj]WL[135.299]C[ibd [13k\]: it should live ibd [13k\]: no? ] ;B[ck]BL[1367.48] ;W[si]WL[130.434]C[gogonuts [4d\]: funny stuff ] ;B[rb]BL[1349.71] ;W[qc]WL[125.463]C[gogonuts [4d\]: not small :-) ] ;B[qb]BL[1338.875]C[ibd [13k\]: what's fuego's output now? ] ;W[cb]WL[120.539] ;B[gd]BL[1327.653] ;W[bk]WL[115.289]C[rsegal [?\]: .85 ] ;B[bp]BL[1315.98]C[gogonuts [4d\]: "i've got him" ] ;W[bl]WL[110.93]C[xcut [1d\]: contrats fuego ] ;B[al]BL[1310.697]C[xcut [1d\]: congrats* ] ;W[rc]WL[106.027] ;B[sb]BL[1300.197] ;W[cl]WL[101.535] ;B[ma]BL[1287.412] ;W[nb]WL[97.088] ;B[nc]BL[1277.456] ;W[km]WL[92.782] ;B[ak]BL[1270.721] ;W[ee]WL[89.274] ;B[fe]BL[1264.045] ;W[oc]WL[85.893] ;B[ka]BL[1257.152] ;W[na]WL[82.305] ;B[oa]BL[1250.458] ;W[em]WL[78.928] ;B[en]BL[1243.726] ;W[sj]WL[75.067] ;B[sk]BL[1237.183] ;W[sn]WL[72.094] ;B[mm]BL[1230.548] ;W[kp]WL[68.797] ;B[ps]BL[1224.103] ;W[fn]WL[66.183] ;B[fm]BL[1217.676] ;W[ri]WL[63.478] ;B[nk]BL[1211.275]C[teytaud [?\]: congratulations to Fuego :-) dalamyst [1k\]: fuego cool RemiCoulom [4k?\]: congratulations to both. That was an exciting game. ibd [13k\]: nice xcut [1d\]: good game mmueller [-\]: exciting indeed :) gghideki [2k\]: Good game goIngo [-\]: ouh, what happened? ])