(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[3600] PW[Fuego]PB[FudoBot]WR[2k]DT[2009-05-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Fuego [2k\]: GTP Engine for Fuego (white): FuegoEx version 6.6.CVS FudoBot [-\]: GTP Engine for FudoBot (black): Fudo Go version 3.0 mmueller [-\]: round 1 game xcut [1d\]: where's fudobot gone? mmueller [-\]: Hideki is looking for him :) xcut [1d\]: hehe :) xcut [1d\]: congratulations on the 9x9 title :) mmueller [-\]: :) FudoBot [-\]: GTP Engine for FudoBot (black): Fudo Go version 3.0 ]RE[W+Resign] ;B[co]BL[3533.697] ;W[pd]WL[3599.763] ;B[ki]BL[3503.603]C[xcut [1d\]: montecarlo shinfuseki is always fun to watch :) ] ;W[fc]WL[3546.639] ;B[gd]BL[3473.344] ;W[fd]WL[3510.824] ;B[mp]BL[3442.908] ;W[ge]WL[3478.167] ;B[in]BL[3412.34] ;W[qj]WL[3435.055] ;B[cm]BL[3381.626] ;W[ql]WL[3387.997] ;B[hf]BL[3350.69] ;W[he]WL[3357.708] ;B[if]BL[3319.625] ;W[fg]WL[3308.003] ;B[oo]BL[3288.411] ;W[iq]WL[3258.676] ;B[fq]BL[3257.028] ;W[kq]WL[3229.07] ;B[jp]BL[3225.512] ;W[kp]WL[3202.084] ;B[kn]BL[3193.851] ;W[jo]WL[3174.253] ;B[io]BL[3162.033] ;W[ko]WL[3141.78] ;B[ln]BL[3130.066] ;W[gq]WL[3102.879] ;B[ip]BL[3097.903] ;W[jn]WL[3077.3] ;B[jm]BL[3065.643] ;W[jq]WL[3071.823] ;B[fp]BL[3033.192]C[mmueller [-\]: rsegal, do you have a score? ] ;W[fr]WL[3028.314] ;B[er]BL[3000.614] ;W[gp]WL[3021.563]C[rsegal [?\]: .55 ] ;B[gr]BL[2967.861] ;W[hr]WL[2999.285] ;B[fs]BL[2934.98] ;W[go]WL[2994.144] ;B[gn]BL[2902.206] ;W[fo]WL[2965.937] ;B[lr]BL[2869.294] ;W[im]WL[2941.594] ;B[hm]BL[2836.254] ;W[il]WL[2921.515] ;B[jl]BL[2803.044]C[rsegal [?\]: .59 j8 h8 n3 o3 ] ;W[mq]WL[2892.225]C[mmueller [-\]: too risky gghideki [2k\]: 46% for B ] ;B[lq]BL[2769.708] ;W[mo]WL[2864.574] ;B[eo]BL[2736.274] ;W[np]WL[2842.235] ;B[lp]BL[2702.668] ;W[lo]WL[2820.746] ;B[no]BL[2675.642] ;W[jk]WL[2791.644]C[rsegal [?\]: .64 k9 j9 h8 n6 ] ;B[mn]BL[2648.434]C[xcut [1d\]: oops ] ;W[nn]WL[2767.622] ;B[ik]BL[2614.281] ;W[hl]WL[2746.511]C[xcut [1d\]: i wonder if black sees the j4 ladder coming :) ] ;B[gl]BL[2580.04]C[xcut [1d\]: yup ] ;W[hk]WL[2725.523] ;B[gk]BL[2552.468] ;W[hj]WL[2703.678]C[rsegal [?\]: ..64 H10 L9 K10 O3 L10 M9 N7 L8 M10 M7 F6 ] ;B[kk]BL[2524.77] ;W[jj]WL[2699.162] ;B[on]BL[2496.914] ;W[nm]WL[2678.391] ;B[om]BL[2468.863] ;W[kl]WL[2657.329] ;B[mm]BL[2440.678] ;W[nl]WL[2636.989] ;B[ml]BL[2412.327] ;W[km]WL[2613.619] ;B[ol]BL[2384.253] ;W[nk]WL[2593.525]C[xcut [1d\]: is fuego running on 8 cores? ] ;B[oj]BL[2356.066]C[mmueller [-\]: 8x8 ] ;W[mk]WL[2578.46]C[xcut [1d\]: ty ] ;B[lk]BL[2327.646] ;W[ll]WL[2557.446] ;B[ok]BL[2298.913] ;W[qg]WL[2519.378] ;B[jh]BL[2270.035] ;W[kc]WL[2481.794]C[rsegal [?\]: .74 L17 F6 P3 N11 L10 M10 M7 R6 N6 H3 ] ;B[fn]BL[2240.955] ;W[mj]WL[2456.885] ;B[qi]BL[2211.751] ;W[pi]WL[2430.848] ;B[ri]BL[2182.44] ;W[pj]WL[2395.091] ;B[ph]BL[2152.941] ;W[qh]WL[2369.395] ;B[oi]BL[2123.321] ;W[oh]WL[2348.628] ;B[pg]BL[2093.519] ;W[qf]WL[2314] ;B[og]BL[2063.629] ;W[nh]WL[2295.308] ;B[qk]BL[2033.628] ;W[rk]WL[2291.021] ;B[pk]BL[2003.454]C[mmueller [-\]: lucky :) ] ;W[rj]WL[2273.889]C[xcut [1d\]: :) ] ;B[rl]BL[1973.162] ;W[rm]WL[2255.875] ;B[gf]BL[1942.767]C[xcut [1d\]: these long tight fights make one wonder if both programs are tuned to play locally ] ;W[ff]WL[2235.859]C[xcut [1d\]: exciting to watch :) ] ;B[ni]BL[1912.256] ;W[mi]WL[2212.789] ;B[sl]BL[1881.607] ;W[sm]WL[2195.541] ;B[mh]BL[1850.891] ;W[ng]WL[2191.241]C[mmueller [-\]: yes, much local little patterns and tactics stuff in these bots ] ;B[mg]BL[1820.063] ;W[nf]WL[2174.584] ;B[of]BL[1789.128] ;W[ke]WL[2153.448] ;B[ne]BL[1758.115] ;W[mf]WL[2137.262] ;B[lf]BL[1726.998] ;W[me]WL[2121.106] ;B[le]BL[1695.809] ;W[md]WL[2117.009] ;B[ld]BL[1664.566] ;W[lh]WL[2111.537] ;B[lg]BL[1633.255] ;W[lc]WL[2107.76] ;B[nd]BL[1601.833] ;W[mc]WL[2091.708] ;B[kd]BL[1570.377] ;W[jd]WL[2075.391]C[xcut [1d\]: game must be 80% now? ] ;B[jc]BL[1538.866] ;W[kg]WL[2059.484]C[gghideki [2k\]: Thank you. mmueller [-\]: thanks for the game ])