Graph Coloring Generator Version 2 This is in most respects similar to Version 1. See below for the principle difference. See the generator page manual for the earlier version at Hints on usage: Different graph classes require different inputs. If you run this program interactively then sufficient prompt hints will guide you to the required inputs for the class of interest. It is then suggested that you use e.g. a Perl script to generate the input file and run generator repeatedly for batch runs. ........... The primary difference between this and the earlier version is the inclusion of code to generate evacuation graphs. After the first or hidden coloring is set, a complete k-partite graph is generated, with the only independent sets being the elements of the hidden coloring. Then the following: Repeat Generate a new partition of the vertices into k sets (deceptive coloring). For each of the k sets, for every edge with both end points in the set delete it with probability 1-r, where r is the fraction to leave behind. (terminate loop if desired edge density achieved) until desired edge density is achieved. Note the last deceptive coloring may be partial. The hidden and deceptive colorings are printed in file.dcp where the graph is in file.