/* Title: Graph.c header file file: graph.h Does: contains various prototypes; these are needed primarily for debugging purposes Source: Joseph Culberson's Coloring Page http://web.cs.ualberta.ca/~joe/Coloring/index.html Author: Adam Beacham email: abeacham@cs.ualberta.ca Compilation: C Code Copyright: Joseph Culberson. Permission is granted to use and distribute freely for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution. Warranty: NONE! Special Instructions: Have fun! Part of: The k-colorable graph generator program. */ #include "generate.h" /********** CONSTANTS **********/ #define MAXM 15 #define MAXVERTEX MAX_NR_VERTICES /******** Types ********/ typedef long BicoefType[MAXM][MAXM]; /*********************** Function Prototypes ***********************/ void k_color(char graph[MAX_NR_VERTICES][MAX_NR_VERTICESdiv8], char block[MAX_NR_VERTICES][MAX_NR_VERTICESdiv8], int order, long *size, double prob); void InitBicoef(BicoefType Bicoef); void gensub(unsigned long pattern, long *where, unsigned long subset[MAXVERTEX], int m, int n, int depth); void prtbits(unsigned long v, int n); void Lovastz(char graph[MAX_NR_VERTICES][MAX_NR_VERTICESdiv8], int *order, long *size, double prob); void printgraph(char graph[MAX_NR_VERTICES][MAX_NR_VERTICESdiv8], int order); void vertexperm(int order, int vrd[MAXVERTEX]); long linprob(long prob, long delta, long r, long c, long k);