Standard Merge Algorithm:
L1=[11,99] L2=[2,111,222] L3=[]
L1=[11,99] L2=[111,222] L3=[2]
L1=[99] L2=[111,222] L3=[2,11]
L1=[] L2=[111,222] L3=[2,11,99]
L1=[] L2=[] L3=[2,11,99,111,222]
INSERT as a special case of MERGE: MERGE([E],L) has the same overall effect as INSERT(E,L).
JOIN as a special case of MERGE: when is it the case that MERGE([A1,...,An], [B1,...,Bm]) yields [A1,...,An,B1,...,Bm].
Answer: when for all i,j Ai<Bj.
How to check this efficiently?
Answer: compare An with B1.