#!/usr/bin/env python """jemdoc version 0.7.3, 2012-11-27.""" # Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Jacob Mattingley (jacobm@stanford.edu). # # This file is part of jemdoc. # # jemdoc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # jemdoc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see . # # The LaTeX equation portions of this file were initially based on # latexmath2png, by Kamil Kisiel (kamil@kamikisiel.net). # import sys import os import re import time import StringIO from subprocess import * import tempfile def info(): print __doc__ print 'Platform: ' + sys.platform + '.' print 'Python: %s, located at %s.' % (sys.version[:5], sys.executable) print 'Equation support:', (supported, message) = testeqsupport() if supported: print 'yes.' else: print 'no.' print message def testeqsupport(): supported = True msg = '' p = Popen('latex --version', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) rc = p.wait() if rc != 0: msg += ' latex: not found.\n' supported = False else: msg += ' latex: ' + p.stdout.readlines()[0].rstrip() + '.\n' p = Popen('dvipng --version', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) rc = p.wait() if rc != 0: msg += ' dvipng: not found.\n' supported = False else: msg += ' dvipng: ' + p.stdout.readlines()[0].rstrip() + '.\n' return (supported, msg[:-1]) class controlstruct(object): def __init__(self, infile, outfile=None, conf=None, inname=None, eqs=True, eqdir='eqs', eqdpi=130): self.inname = inname self.inf = infile self.outf = outfile self.conf = conf self.linenum = 0 self.otherfiles = [] self.eqs = eqs self.eqdir = eqdir self.eqdpi = eqdpi # Default to supporting equations until we know otherwise. self.eqsupport = True self.eqcache = True self.eqpackages = [] self.texlines = [] self.analytics = None self.eqbd = {} # equation base depth. self.baseline = None def pushfile(self, newfile): self.otherfiles.insert(0, self.inf) self.inf = open(newfile, 'rb') def nextfile(self): self.inf.close() self.inf = self.otherfiles.pop(0) def showhelp(): a = """Usage: jemdoc [OPTIONS] [SOURCEFILE] Produces html markup from a jemdoc SOURCEFILE. Most of the time you can use jemdoc without any additional flags. For example, typing jemdoc index will produce an index.html from index.jemdoc, using a default configuration. Some configuration options can be overridden by specifying a configuration file. You can use jemdoc --show-config to print a sample configuration file (which includes all of the default options). Any or all of the configuration [blocks] can be overwritten by including them in a configuration file, and running, for example, jemdoc -c mywebsite.conf index.jemdoc You can view version and installation details with jemdoc --version See http://jemdoc.jaboc.net/ for many more details.""" b = '' for l in a.splitlines(True): if l.startswith(' '*4): b += l[4:] else: b += l print b def standardconf(): a = """[firstbit] [defaultcss] [windowtitle] # used in header for window title. | [fwtitlestart]
[doctitle] # used at top of document.


[bodystart] [analytics] [menustart]
[menuend] [menucategory] [menuitem] [specificcss] [specificjs] [currentmenuitem] [nomenu]
[nomenulastbit] [bodyend] [infoblock]
[footerstart] [lastupdated] Page generated |, by jemdoc. [sourcelink] (source) """ b = '' for l in a.splitlines(True): if l.startswith(' '): b += l[2:] else: b += l return b class JandalError(Exception): pass class NoEqSupport(Exception): pass def raisejandal(msg, line=0): if line == 0: s = "%s" % msg else: s = "line %d: %s" % (line, msg) raise JandalError(s) def readnoncomment(f): l = f.readline() if l == '': return l elif l[0] == '#': # jem: be a little more generous with the comments we accept? return readnoncomment(f) else: return l.rstrip() + '\n' # leave just one \n and no spaces etc. def parseconf(cns): syntax = {} warn = False # jem. make configurable? # manually add the defaults as a file handle. fs = [StringIO.StringIO(standardconf())] for sname in cns: fs.append(open(sname, 'rb')) for f in fs: while pc(controlstruct(f)) != '': l = readnoncomment(f) r = re.match(r'\[(.*)\]\n', l) if r: tag = r.group(1) s = '' l = readnoncomment(f) while l not in ('\n', ''): s += l l = readnoncomment(f) syntax[tag] = s f.close() return syntax def insertmenuitems(f, mname, current, prefix): m = open(mname, 'rb') while pc(controlstruct(m)) != '': l = readnoncomment(m) l = l.strip() if l == '': continue r = re.match(r'\s*(.*?)\s*\[(.*)\]', l) if r: # then we have a menu item. link = r.group(2) # Don't use prefix if we have an absolute link. if '://' not in r.group(2): link = prefix + allreplace(link) # replace spaces with nbsps. # do do this, even though css would make it work - ie ignores. # only replace spaces that aren't in {{ blocks. in_quote = False menuitem = "" for group in re.split(r'({{|}})', r.group(1)): if in_quote: if group == '}}': in_quote = False next else: menuitem += group else: if group == '{{': in_quote = True next else: menuitem += br(re.sub(r'(?&$%\.~[\]-]""", r'\\\g<0>', s) def replacequoted(b): """Quotes {{raw html}} sections.""" r = re.compile(r'\{\{(.*?)\}\}', re.M + re.S) m = r.search(b) while m: qb = quote(m.group(1)) b = b[:m.start()] + qb + b[m.end():] m = r.search(b, m.start()) return b def replacepercents(b): # replace %sections% as +{{sections}}+. Do not replace if within a link. r = re.compile(r'(?%s\n
}}' % (fullfn, eqtext) + b[m.end():] else: b = b[:m.start()] + \ '{{%s}}' % (fullfn, eqtext, offset) + b[m.end():] # jem: also clean out line breaks in the alttext? m = r.search(b, m.start()) return replacequoted(b) def replaceimages(b): # works with [img{width}{height}{alttext} location caption]. r = re.compile(r'(?' % " ".join(bits) + b[m.end():] m = r.search(b, m.start()) return b def replacelinks(b): # works with [link.html new link style]. r = re.compile(r'(?%s<\/a>' % (link, linkname) + b[m.end():] m = r.search(b, m.start()) return b def br(b, f, tableblock=False): """Does simple text replacements on a block of text. ('block replacements')""" # Deal with environment variables (say, for Michael Grant). r = re.compile(r"!\$(\w{2,})\$!", re.M + re.S) for m in r.findall(b): repl = os.environ.get(m) if repl == None: b = re.sub("!\$%s\$!" % m, 'FAILED_MATCH_' + m, b) else: b = re.sub("!\$%s\$!" % m, repl, b) # Deal with literal backspaces. if f.eqs and f.eqsupport: b = replaceequations(b, f) b = re.sub(r'\\\\', 'jemLITerl33talBS', b) # Deal with {{html embedding}}. b = replacequoted(b) b = allreplace(b) b = b.lstrip('-. \t') # remove leading spaces, tabs, dashes, dots. b = replaceimages(b) # jem not sure if this is still used. # Slightly nasty hackery in this next bit. b = replacepercents(b) b = replacelinks(b) b = re.sub(r'BSNOTLINKLEFT12039XX', r'[', b) b = re.sub(r'BSNOTLINKRIGHT12039XX', r']', b) b = replacequoted(b) # Deal with /italics/ first because the '/' in other tags would otherwise # interfere. r = re.compile(r'(?\1', b) # Deal with *bold*. r = re.compile(r'(?\1', b) # Deal with +monospace+. r = re.compile(r'(?\1', b) # Deal with "double quotes". r = re.compile(r'(?', b) # Deal with paragraph break. Caution! Should only use when we're already in # a paragraph. r = re.compile(r"(?

', b) if tableblock: # Deal with ||, meaning r = re.compile(r"(?\n' \ % f.tablerow, l) l2 = '' col = 2 r2s = r2.split(l) for x in r2s[:-1]: l2 += x + ('' % col) col += 1 l2 += r2s[-1] b += l2 # Second to last, remove any remaining quoting backslashes. b = re.sub(r'\\(?!\\)', '', b) # Deal with literal backspaces. b = re.sub('jemLITerl33talBS', r'\\', b) # Also fix up DOUBLEOPEN and DOUBLECLOSEBRACES. b = re.sub('DOUBLEOPENBRACE', '{{', b) b = re.sub('DOUBLECLOSEBRACE', '}}', b) return b def allreplace(b): """Replacements that should be done on everything.""" r = re.compile(r"(?", re.M + re.S) b = re.sub(r, r'>', b) r = re.compile(r"(?\1', l) if l.startswith('>>>'): hb(f, '|\n', l) else: out(f, l + '\n') def putbsbs(l): for i in range(len(l)): l[i] = '\\b' + l[i] + '\\b' return l def gethl(lang): # disable comments by default, by choosing unlikely regex. d = {'strings':False} if lang in ('py', 'python'): d['statement'] = ['break', 'continue', 'del', 'except', 'exec', 'finally', 'pass', 'print', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'with', 'global', 'assert', 'lambda', 'yield', 'def', 'class', 'for', 'while', 'if', 'elif', 'else', 'import', 'from', 'as', 'assert'] d['builtin'] = ['True', 'False', 'set', 'open', 'frozenset', 'enumerate', 'object', 'hasattr', 'getattr', 'filter', 'eval', 'zip', 'vars', 'unicode', 'type', 'str', 'repr', 'round', 'range', 'and', 'in', 'is', 'not', 'or'] d['special'] = ['cols', 'optvar', 'param', 'problem', 'norm2', 'norm1', 'value', 'minimize', 'maximize', 'rows', 'rand', 'randn', 'printval', 'matrix'] d['error'] = ['\w*Error',] d['commentuntilend'] = '#' d['strings'] = True elif lang in ['c', 'c++', 'cpp']: d['statement'] = ['if', 'else', 'printf', 'return', 'for'] d['builtin'] = ['static', 'typedef', 'int', 'float', 'double', 'void', 'clock_t', 'struct', 'long', 'extern', 'char'] d['operator'] = ['#include.*', '#define', '@pyval{', '}@', '@pyif{', '@py{'] d['error'] = ['\w*Error',] d['commentuntilend'] = ['//', '/*', ' * ', '*/'] elif lang in ('rb', 'ruby'): d['statement'] = putbsbs(['while', 'until', 'unless', 'if', 'elsif', 'when', 'then', 'else', 'end', 'begin', 'rescue', 'class', 'def']) d['operator'] = putbsbs(['and', 'not', 'or']) d['builtin'] = putbsbs(['true', 'false', 'require', 'warn']) d['special'] = putbsbs(['IO']) d['error'] = putbsbs(['\w*Error',]) d['commentuntilend'] = '#' d['strings'] = True d['strings'] = True if lang in ['c++', 'cpp']: d['builtin'] += ['bool', 'virtual'] d['statement'] += ['new', 'delete'] d['operator'] += ['<<', '>>'] d['special'] = ['public', 'private', 'protected', 'template', 'ASSERT'] elif lang == 'sh': d['statement'] = ['cd', 'ls', 'sudo', 'cat', 'alias', 'for', 'do', 'done', 'in', ] d['operator'] = ['>', r'\\', r'\|', ';', '2>', 'monolith>', 'kiwi>', 'ant>', 'kakapo>', 'client>'] d['builtin'] = putbsbs(['gem', 'gcc', 'python', 'curl', 'wget', 'ssh', 'latex', 'find', 'sed', 'gs', 'grep', 'tee', 'gzip', 'killall', 'echo', 'touch', 'ifconfig', 'git', '(?>', '~', '\.\.\.'] d['builtin'] = putbsbs(['csolve']) d['commentuntilend'] = '%' d['strings'] = True elif lang == 'commented': d['commentuntilend'] = '#' # Add bsbs (whatever those are). for x in ['statement', 'builtin', 'special', 'error']: if x in d: d[x] = putbsbs(d[x]) return d def language(f, l, hl): l = l.rstrip() l = allreplace(l) # handle strings. if hl['strings']: r = re.compile(r'(".*?")') l = r.sub(r'\1', l) r = re.compile(r"('.*?')") l = r.sub(r'\1', l) if 'statement' in hl: r = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(hl['statement']) + ')') l = r.sub(r'\1', l) if 'operator' in hl: r = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(hl['operator']) + ')') l = r.sub(r'\1', l) if 'builtin' in hl: r = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(hl['builtin']) + ')') l = r.sub(r'\1', l) if 'special' in hl: r = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(hl['special']) + ')') l = r.sub(r'\1', l) if 'error' in hl: r = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(hl['error']) + ')') l = r.sub(r'\1', l) l = re.sub('CLCLclass', 'class', l) if 'commentuntilend' in hl: cue = hl['commentuntilend'] if isinstance(cue, (list, tuple)): for x in cue: if l.strip().startswith(x): hb(f, '|\n', allreplace(l)) return if '//' in cue: # Handle this separately. r = re.compile(r'\/\/.*') l = r.sub(r'\g<0>', l) elif cue == '#': # Handle this separately. r = re.compile(r'#.*') l = r.sub(r'\g<0>', l) elif cue == '%': # Handle this separately. r = re.compile(r'%.*') l = r.sub(r'\g<0>', l) elif l.strip().startswith(cue): hb(f, '|\n', allreplace(l)) return out(f, l + '\n') def geneq(f, eq, dpi, wl, outname): # First check if there is an existing file. eqname = os.path.join(f.eqdir, outname + '.png') eqdepths = {} if f.eqcache: try: dc = open(os.path.join(f.eqdir, '.eqdepthcache'), 'rb') for l in dc: a = l.split() eqdepths[a[0]] = int(a[1]) dc.close() if os.path.exists(eqname) and eqname in eqdepths: return (eqdepths[eqname], eqname) except IOError: print 'eqdepthcache read failed.' # Open tex file. tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() fd, texfile = tempfile.mkstemp('.tex', '', tempdir, True) basefile = texfile[:-4] g = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') preamble = '\documentclass{article}\n' for p in f.eqpackages: preamble += '\usepackage{%s}\n' % p for p in f.texlines: # Replace \{ and \} in p with { and }. # XXX hack. preamble += re.sub(r'\\(?=[{}])', '', p + '\n') preamble += '\pagestyle{empty}\n\\begin{document}\n' g.write(preamble) # Write the equation itself. if wl: g.write('\\[%s\\]' % eq) else: g.write('$%s$' % eq) # Finish off the tex file. g.write('\n\\newpage\n\end{document}') g.close() exts = ['.tex', '.aux', '.dvi', '.log'] try: # Generate the DVI file latexcmd = 'latex -file-line-error-style -interaction=nonstopmode ' + \ '-output-directory %s %s' % (tempdir, texfile) p = Popen(latexcmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) rc = p.wait() if rc != 0: for l in p.stdout.readlines(): print ' ' + l.rstrip() exts.remove('.tex') raise Exception('latex error') dvifile = basefile + '.dvi' dvicmd = 'dvipng --freetype0 -Q 9 -z 3 --depth -q -T tight -D %i -bg Transparent -o %s %s' % (dpi, eqname, dvifile) # discard warnings, as well. p = Popen(dvicmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) rc = p.wait() if rc != 0: print p.stderr.readlines() raise Exception('dvipng error') depth = int(p.stdout.readlines()[-1].split('=')[-1]) finally: # Clean up. for ext in exts: g = basefile + ext if os.path.exists(g): os.remove(g) # Update the cache if we're using it. if f.eqcache and eqname not in eqdepths: try: dc = open(os.path.join(f.eqdir, '.eqdepthcache'), 'ab') dc.write(eqname + ' ' + str(depth) + '\n') dc.close() except IOError: print 'eqdepthcache update failed.' return (depth, eqname) def dashlist(f, ordered=False): level = 0 if ordered: char = '.' ul = 'ol' else: char = '-' ul = 'ul' while pc(f) == char: (s, newlevel) = np(f, True, False) # first adjust list number as appropriate. if newlevel > level: for i in range(newlevel - level): if newlevel > 1: out(f.outf, '\n') out(f.outf, '<%s>\n

  • ' % ul) elif newlevel < level: out(f.outf, '\n
  • ') for i in range(level - newlevel): #out(f.outf, '\n\n
  • ' % ul) # demote means place '
  • ' in the file. out(f.outf, '\n' % ul) #out(f.outf, '\n
  • ') out(f.outf, '\n
  • ') else: # same level, make a new list item. out(f.outf, '\n
  • \n
  • ') out(f.outf, '

    ' + br(s, f) + '

    ') level = newlevel for i in range(level): out(f.outf, '\n
  • \n\n' % ul) def colonlist(f): out(f.outf, '
    \n') while pc(f) == ':': s = np(f, eatblanks=False) r = re.compile(r'\s*{(.*?)(?|\n', br(defpart, f)) hb(f.outf, '


    \n', br(rest, f)) out(f.outf, '
    \n') def codeblock(f, g): if g[1] == 'raw': raw = True ext_prog = None elif g[0] == 'filter_through': # Filter through external program. raw = False ext_prog = g[1] buff = "" else: ext_prog = None raw = False out(f.outf, f.conf['codeblock']) if g[0]: hb(f.outf, f.conf['blocktitle'], g[0]) if g[1] == 'jemdoc': out(f.outf, f.conf['codeblockcontenttt']) else: out(f.outf, f.conf['codeblockcontent']) # Now we are handling code. # Handle \~ and ~ differently. stringmode = False while 1: # wait for EOF. l = nl(f, codemode=True) if not l: break elif l.startswith('~'): break elif l.startswith('\\~'): l = l[1:] elif l.startswith('\\{'): l = l[1:] elif ext_prog: buff += l continue elif stringmode: if l.rstrip().endswith('"""'): out(f.outf, l + '') stringmode = False else: out(f.outf, l) continue # jem revise pyint out of the picture. if g[1] == 'pyint': pyint(f.outf, l) else: if raw: out(f.outf, l) elif g[1] == 'jemdoc': # doing this more nicely needs python 2.5. for x in ('#', '~', '>>>', '\~', '{'): if str(l).lstrip().startswith(x): out(f.outf, '
                out(f.outf, l + '
    ') break else: for x in (':', '.', '-'): if str(l).lstrip().startswith(x): out(f.outf, '
    ' + prependnbsps(l)) break else: if str(l).lstrip().startswith('='): out(f.outf, prependnbsps(l) + '
    ') else: out(f.outf, l) else: if l.startswith('\\#include{') or l.startswith('\\#includeraw{'): out(f.outf, l[1:]) elif l.startswith('#') and doincludes(f, l[1:]): continue elif g[1] in ('python', 'py') and l.strip().startswith('"""'): out(f.outf, '' + l) stringmode = True else: language(f.outf, l, gethl(g[1])) if raw: return elif ext_prog: print 'filtering through %s...' % ext_prog output,_ = Popen(ext_prog, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate(buff) out(f.outf, output) else: if g[1] == 'jemdoc': out(f.outf, f.conf['codeblockendtt']) else: out(f.outf, f.conf['codeblockend']) def prependnbsps(l): g = re.search('(^ *)(.*)', l).groups() return g[0].replace(' ', ' ') + g[1] def inserttitle(f, t): if t is not None: hb(f.outf, f.conf['doctitle'], t) # Look for a subtitle. if pc(f) != '\n': hb(f.outf, f.conf['subtitle'], br(np(f), f)) hb(f.outf, f.conf['doctitleend'], t) def procfile(f): f.linenum = 0 menu = None # convert these to a dictionary. showfooter = True showsourcelink = False showlastupdated = True showlastupdatedtime = True nodefaultcss = False fwtitle = False css = [] js = [] title = None while pc(f, False) == '#': l = f.inf.readline() f.linenum += 1 if doincludes(f, l[1:]): continue if l.startswith('# jemdoc:'): l = l[len('# jemdoc:'):] a = l.split(',') # jem only handle one argument for now. for b in a: b = b.strip() if b.startswith('menu'): sidemenu = True r = re.compile(r'(? 3 or len(g) < 2: raise SyntaxError('sidemenu error on line %d' % f.linenum) if len(g) == 2: menu = (f, g[0], g[1], '') else: menu = (f, g[0], g[1], g[2]) elif b.startswith('nofooter'): showfooter = False elif b.startswith('nodate'): showlastupdated = False elif b.startswith('notime'): showlastupdatedtime = False elif b.startswith('fwtitle'): fwtitle = True elif b.startswith('showsource'): showsourcelink = True elif b.startswith('nodefaultcss'): nodefaultcss = True elif b.startswith('addcss'): r = re.compile(r'(?)|( ) *', ' ', t) else: t = None #if title: hb(f.outf, f.conf['windowtitle'], title) out(f.outf, f.conf['bodystart']) if f.analytics: hb(f.outf, f.conf['analytics'], f.analytics) if fwtitle: out(f.outf, f.conf['fwtitlestart']) inserttitle(f, t) out(f.outf, f.conf['fwtitleend']) if menu: out(f.outf, f.conf['menustart']) insertmenuitems(*menu) out(f.outf, f.conf['menuend']) else: out(f.outf, f.conf['nomenu']) if not fwtitle: inserttitle(f, t) infoblock = False imgblock = False tableblock = False while 1: # wait for EOF. p = pc(f) if p == '': break elif p == '\\(': if not (f.eqs and f.eqsupport): break s = nl(f) # Quickly pull out the equation here: # Check we don't already have the terminating character in a whole-line # equation without linebreaks, eg \( Ax=b \): if not s.strip().endswith('\)'): while True: l = nl(f, codemode=True) if not l: break s += l if l.strip() == '\)': break out(f.outf, br(s.strip(), f)) # look for lists. elif p == '-': dashlist(f, False) elif p == '.': dashlist(f, True) elif p == ':': colonlist(f) # look for titles. elif p == '=': (s, c) = nl(f, True) # trim trailing \n. s = s[:-1] hb(f.outf, '|\n' % (c, c), br(s, f)) # look for comments. elif p == '#': l = nl(f) elif p == '\n': nl(f) # look for blocks. elif p == '~': nl(f) if infoblock: out(f.outf, f.conf['infoblockend']) infoblock = False nl(f) continue elif imgblock: out(f.outf, '\n') imgblock = False nl(f) continue elif tableblock: out(f.outf, '\n') tableblock = False nl(f) continue else: if pc(f) == '{': l = allreplace(nl(f)) r = re.compile(r'(?= 1: g[0] = br(g[0], f) if len(g) in (0, 1): # info block. out(f.outf, f.conf['infoblock']) infoblock = True if len(g) == 1: # info block. hb(f.outf, f.conf['blocktitle'], g[0]) out(f.outf, f.conf['infoblockcontent']) elif len(g) >= 2 and g[1] == 'table': # handles # {title}{table}{name} # one | two || # three | four || name = '' if len(g) >= 3 and g[2]: name += ' id="%s"' % g[2] out(f.outf, '\n' % name) f.tablerow = 1 f.tablecol = 1 tableblock = True elif len(g) == 2: codeblock(f, g) elif len(g) >= 4 and g[1] == 'img_left': # handles # {}{img_left}{source}{alttext}{width}{height}{linktarget}. g += ['']*(7 - len(g)) if g[4].isdigit(): g[4] += 'px' if g[5].isdigit(): g[5] += 'px' out(f.outf, '\n
    \n') if g[6]: out(f.outf, '' % g[6]) out(f.outf, '%s') if g[6]: out(f.outf, '') out(f.outf, ' ') imgblock = True else: raise JandalError("couldn't handle block", f.linenum) else: s = br(np(f), f, tableblock) if s: if tableblock: hb(f.outf, '|\n', s) else: hb(f.outf, '


    \n', s) if showfooter and (showlastupdated or showsourcelink): out(f.outf, f.conf['footerstart']) if showlastupdated: if showlastupdatedtime: ts = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z' else: ts = '%Y-%m-%d' s = time.strftime(ts, time.localtime(time.time())) hb(f.outf, f.conf['lastupdated'], s) if showsourcelink: hb(f.outf, f.conf['sourcelink'], f.inname) out(f.outf, f.conf['footerend']) if menu: out(f.outf, f.conf['menulastbit']) else: out(f.outf, f.conf['nomenulastbit']) out(f.outf, f.conf['bodyend']) if f.outf is not sys.stdout: # jem: close file here. # jem: XXX this is where you would intervene to do a fast open/close. f.outf.close() def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in ('--help', '-h'): showhelp() raise SystemExit if sys.argv[1] == '--show-config': print standardconf() raise SystemExit if sys.argv[1] == '--version': info() raise SystemExit outoverride = False confoverride = False outname = None confnames = [] for i in range(1, len(sys.argv), 2): if sys.argv[i] == '-o': if outoverride: raise RuntimeError("only one output file / directory, please") outname = sys.argv[i+1] outoverride = True elif sys.argv[i] == '-c': if confoverride: raise RuntimeError("only one config file, please") confnames.append(sys.argv[i+1]) confoverride = True elif sys.argv[i].startswith('-'): raise RuntimeError('unrecognised argument %s, try --help' % sys.argv[i]) else: break conf = parseconf(confnames) innames = [] for j in range(i, len(sys.argv)): # First, if not a file and no dot, try opening .jemdoc. Otherwise, fall back # to just doing exactly as asked. inname = sys.argv[j] if not os.path.isfile(inname) and '.' not in inname: inname += '.jemdoc' innames.append(inname) if outname is not None and not os.path.isdir(outname) and len(innames) > 1: raise RuntimeError('cannot handle one outfile with multiple infiles') for inname in innames: if outname is None: thisout = re.sub(r'.jemdoc$', '', inname) + '.html' elif os.path.isdir(outname): # if directory, prepend directory to automatically generated name. thisout = outname + re.sub(r'.jemdoc$', '', inname) + '.html' else: thisout = outname infile = open(inname, 'rUb') outfile = open(thisout, 'w') f = controlstruct(infile, outfile, conf, inname) procfile(f) # if __name__ == '__main__': main()