np hard problems

approaches ?
  • exact (accept non-poly time)

    • brute force

    • backtracking

    • branch and bound

  • heuristic (accept non-optimal)

  • approximation (non-optimal, but some bound?)

  • brute force

    • n variables: 2n possible assignments

  • backtracking

    • consider partial solutions, abort when partial cannot extend

  • branch and bound (optimization problems)

    • keep upper bound on extension value

    • abort extension when bound less than best value of some complete solution

random sat instances
#generate random t-uniform formula
import random
# literals  x1 -x1 x2 -x2 ... output as 1 -1 2 -2 ...
# for sorting clauses,
#   literals 1 -1 2 -2 ...  n  -n   represented by
#   integers 0  1 2  3 ... n-2 n-1
def litToInt(lit):
  if lit>0: return 2*lit-2
  return 2*(-lit)-1
def intToLit(n):
  if 0==n%2: return 1+n/2
  return          -(1+n/2)

def randclause(n,k): # n-var uniform random k-clause
# floyd's alg, from Bentley's prog. pearls "A sample of brilliance"
# if lit in clause then -lit not in clause
  S = []
  for j in range(n+1-k,n+1):
    t = random.randint(1,j)
    if S.count(t)>0: S.append(j)
    else:            S.append(t)
  for j in range(k):
    if random.randint(0,1)==0: S[j] *= -1
  return S

def formula(n,t,m): # n variables, t-uniform, m clauses
  f = []
  while len(f)<m:
    new = randclause(n,t)
    duplicate = False
    for j in f:
      if new == j: duplicate = True
    if not duplicate:  f.append(new)
  # sort lexicographic using x1 < -x1 < x2 < -x2 < ...
  for m in range(len(f)):
    for c in range(len(f[m])): f[m][c] = litToInt(f[m][c])
  for m in range(len(f)):
    for c in range(len(f[m])): f[m][c] = intToLit(f[m][c])
  return f

def prettyClause(c):
  psn = -1
  for lit in c:
    psn, psnOld = litToInt(lit), psn
    for j in range(psn-(psnOld+1)):  print '  ',
    print '%2d' % lit,
  print ''

def plainClause(c):
  print '[',
  for j in range(len(c)-1): print '%2d,' % c[j],
  print '%2d]' % c[len(c)-1]

def show(f,pretty):
  for c in f:
    if pretty: prettyClause(c)
    else:       plainClause(c)

f = formula(5,3,20)
brute force sat solver
# literals  x_1 ...  x_n represented by  1  2 ...  n
# literals -x_1 ... -x_n represented by -1 -2 ... -n
def clausesat(clause,asnmt):
  for var in clause:
    if ((var>0 and asnmt[var-1]==1) or
       (var<0 and asnmt[-(var+1)]==0)):
      return True
  return False

def sat(formula, asnmt):
  for clause in formula:
    if not clausesat(clause,asnmt): return False
  return True

def showf(f):
  for j in f: print j

n,m = 10,40  #max m is n choose k times 2^k, where k=2or3
allAsn = itertools.product([0,1],repeat=n)
myf = randsat.formula(3,n,m)
print "\nrandom formula",n,"vars",m,"clauses"

for a in allAsn:
  if sat(myf,a):
    print a
S <- original problem
while not S.isempty()
  P <- S.pop()
  P yields solution?
    yes: return "solved"
    maybe:  add resulting subproblems to S
return "no solution"
backtracking example: satisifiability
  • subproblems ?

    • set next variable TRUE

    • set next variable FALSE

backtracking: SAT

(       x_1 : tilde x_2           x_3) : : (       x_1 : tilde x_2           x_4) : : (       x_1 : tilde x_3 :        x_5) : : (tilde x_1 :        x_2 : tilde x_5) : : (       x_2 :        x_3 : tilde x_5) : : (       x_2 :        x_5 : tilde x_6) : : (tilde x_3 :        x_4 : tilde x_6) : : (       x_3 :        x_5 :        x_7)

  • subproblems: x_1 F/T, P_{0}, P_{1}

  • P_0:  (       tilde x_2           x_3) : : (       tilde x_2           x_4) : : (       tilde x_3 :        x_5) : : (       x_2 :        x_3 : tilde x_5) : : (       x_2 :        x_5 : tilde x_6) : : (tilde x_3 :        x_4 : tilde x_6) : : (       x_3 :        x_5 :        x_7)

    • subproblems: x_2 F/T, P_{00}, P_{01}

    • P_{00}: (       tilde x_3 :        x_5) : : (       x_3 : tilde x_5) : : (       x_5 : tilde x_6) : : (tilde x_3 :        x_4 : tilde x_6) : : (       x_3 :        x_5 :        x_7)

    • no solution (2-clauses), abort this subproblem

    • P_{01}: (       x_3) : : (       x_4) : : (       tilde x_3 :        x_5) : : (tilde x_3 :        x_4 : tilde x_6) : : (       x_3 :        x_5 :        x_7)

    • must have x_3 T, x_4 T, x_5 T, solution

  • return solution: F T T T T * *

  • better: Davis-Putnam-Logemann–Loveland

simple sat backtrack solver
# assignment vector: one entry for each variable
# set a[0] to UNSAT if formula unsatisfiable
UNSAT, UNKNOWN,  FALSE, TRUE = -2, -1, 0, 1

def emptyAsnmt(n):
  a = [UNKNOWN]*n
  return a

def showf(f):
  for j in f: print j

def showfa(f,a):
  for x in a: print x,
  print ''

def fixliteral(t, f, a): # in f, set literal t True, update a
  index = abs(t)-1
  #print "set var",index+1, ("T" if t>0 else "F")
  assert a[index]== UNKNOWN
  a[index] = (TRUE if t>0 else FALSE)
  for clause in f[:]:
    clauseSat = False
    for literal in clause[:]:
      if literal == -t:
        if len(clause)==0: # f unsat
          a[0] == UNSAT
      elif literal == t:
        clauseSat = True
    if clauseSat: f.remove(clause)

def mycopy(f,a):
  newa = list(a)
  newf = []
  for clause in f: newf.append(list(clause))
  return newf, newa

def sat(f): return (True if len(f)==0 else False)
def unsat(a): return (True if a[0]==UNSAT else False)

def backsat(f,a):
  if unsat(a): return f,a
  if   sat(f): return f,a
  minj = f.index(min(f,key=len))  # clause with fewest literals
  if len(f[minj])==0:
    a[0]= UNSAT
    return f,a
  if len(f[minj])==1:
    fixliteral(f[minj][0], f, a)
    return backsat(f,a)
  #split: 2 possible bool. vals for literal f[minj][0]
  #print "split A:", f[minj][0]
  fcopy, acopy = mycopy(f,a)
  fixliteral(f[minj][0], f, a)
  f,a = backsat(f,a)
  if sat(f): return f, a
  f,a = fcopy, acopy
  #print "split B:", -f[minj][0]
  fixliteral(-f[minj][0], f, a)
  return backsat(f, a)

n,m = 6,20  #max m is n choose k times 2^k, where k=2or3
myf = randsat.formula(3,n,m)
asn = emptyAsnmt(n)
showfa(myf, asn)
f,a = backsat(myf,asn)
branch and bound: TSP
  • for typical subpath, e.g. AXCDR…

  • a lower bound on an extension is:

    • cost of subpath AXCDR, plus …

    • min cost edge from A to rest of vertices, plus …

    • min cost edge from R to rest of vertices, plus …

    • MST cost on rest of vertices

branch and bound example: TSP
             A   1   B
         4   |       |   3
     H - - - - - 2 - - - - - C
     2       5       4       5
     G - - - - - 6 - - - - - D
         6   |       |   1
             F   3   E

start anywhere, say A
AB: bound ?  cost AB, 1 +
      min edge A to rest of vertices, 4 +
      min edge B to rest of vertices, 3 +
      MST on rest of vertices, 13 = 21
AF: bound ?  cost AF, 5 +
      min edge A to rest, 1 +
      min edge F to rest, 3 +
      MST on rest, 13 = 22
AH: bound ?  cost AH, 4 +
      min edge A to rest, 1 +
      min edge H to rest, 2 +
      MST on rest, 17 = 24
                  so try AB first ...
ABC: bound 22
ABE: bound 25     so try ABC first ...

ABCD: bound 25
ABCH: bound 23    so try ABCH first ...

ABCH extends uniquely to to ABCHGDEFA, cost 23
... ABCD (>= 25) cannot be better
... ABE (>= 25) cannot be better
... AH  (>= 24) cannot be better
At this point, we can stop: have found best
tour that starts from A and next vertex is one of B,H
(and every such TSP has this property; if we explore AF...
we will just find our TSP in reverse).
approximate set cover
  • greedy algorithm (repeatedly pick set covering most uncovered vertices) gives log-base-2(n) approx ratio

  • not hard to find inputs that achieve this ratio

Christofides algorithm
  • classic 1.5 approximation for metric (i.e. satisfying triangle inequality) TSP

  • wiki