
history dominoes example problem:

∀ integers n ≥ 0 define s(n) = 0+1+…+n = sum_{j=0}^{n} j
∀ integers n ≥ 0 define f(n) = n(n+1)/2
∀ integers n ≥ 0 s(n) = f(n) ?
  • how proof by induction works

    • prove claim holds in base case

    • assume claim holds in arbitrary case (possibly base)

    • prove claim holds in next case

  • domino analogy

    • show that the 1st domino falls

    • assume that an arbitrary domino falls

    • show that, under this assumption, the next domino falls

claim ∀ integers n ≥ 0, s(n) = f(n)

base case: n = 0

s(0) = sum_{j=0}^{0} j = 0, and

f(0) = 0(0+1)/2 = 0, so claim holds in case case

inductive case

s(k+1) = sum_{j=0}^{k+1} j defn s( )
= sum_{j=0}^{k} j + k+1 regroup terms of s(k+1)
= s(k) + k+1 defn s( )
= f(k) + k+1 ind. hyp.
= k(k+1)/2 + k+1 defn f( )
= (k+1)(k+2)/2 arithmetic
= f(k+1) defn f( )
induction song (copyright RBH 1998-2012)
to tune of Amazing Grace

chorus: induction is a very strange thing
        there are so many value for n
        oh how do we prove that something is true
        over and over again ?

the basis case we want to show
it's true for the smallest n
the inductive case we then will prove
it's true again and again.


so assume it's true for n equals k
where k might be very small
then show it's true for k plus one
so then it's true for them all
