equivalence relation on a set S: defn
equivalent elements: in same block
equivalence class: block
example S={a,b,…,g}, partition={ {a,g} {c,d,f} {b} {e} }
let S = define x ≡ y iff x = y (mod 4)
5 ≡ 9 ? (yes) 5 ≡ 99 ? (no)
equivalence classes:
can use any function f:A→B to define an eq.rel.
define x ≡ y iff f(x) = f(y)
example f:{1,…,6}→{a,b,c,d} with f=(a,c,d,a,b,a)
here, partition is { {1,4,6} {2} {3} {5} }
binary relation on a set S: a relation r:S→S (so, subset of S×S) defn
usually, R is the set of related order pairs
xRy means (x,y) ∈ R
example S={a,..,f}, R={ (c,b) (d,a) (d,b) (e,e) }
here, dRb ? (yes) bRd ? (no)
why ?
answer: every binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric, transitive
reflexive: for all x ∈ S, xRx
symmetric: for all x,y ∈ S, xRy iff yRx
transitive: for all x,y ∈ S, (xRy ∧ yRz) ⇒ xRz
for each relation: is it reflexive ? symmetric ? transitive ? an equivalence relation ? (if no, add the fewest ordered pairs that makes it an eq.rel.)
S = { a }, R = { }
S = { a }, R = { (a,a) }
S = { a,b }, R = { (a,b) (b,a) }
S = { a,b }, R = { (a,a) (a,b) (b,b) }
S = { a,b }, R = { (a,a) (a,b) (b,a) (b,b) }
S = { a,b,c }, R = { (a,a) (a,b) (b,a) (b,b) (c,c)}
S = { a,b,c }, R = { (a,b) (b,c) (a,c) }
binary relations on a k-set ? (why ?)
equivalence relations on a k-set ? (why ?)
define S = , where
define r:S→S by (a,b) R (c,d) iff a ⋅ d = b ⋅ c
(1,3) ≡ (2,4) ?
(1,3) ≡ (3,9) ?
(0,1) ≡ (0,2) ?
(1,0) ≡ (2,0) ?
no: neither (1,0) nor (2,0) are in S
exercise: verify that r is an equivalence relation
how does r represent equality of fractions ?
every k-partition of an n-set has some block with at least elements
if there are n pigeons in a total of k holes, some hole has at least pigeons
let pj = number pigeons in hole j. let m = max pj.
so some hole has ≥ n/k pigeons
so some hole has pigeons (since each pj ∈ ) .
how many people in a room so that, always, ≥ 2 have same birthday ?
k = 366 (number of different birthdays) n = number people
want smallest n so that n/k > 1
answer: n = 367
how many people in a room so that, with probability ≥ .5, ≥ 2 have same birthday ?
answer: n = 23
let n = 3
does n divide any number, or difference of numbers, in {4,5} ?
does n divide any number, or difference of numbers, in {4,5,7}?
does n divide any number, or difference of numbers, in {a,b,c}, where a,b,c are fixed integers?
let n ∈
what is smallest integer k, so that for all S = { t1, ... , tk } ⊆ ,
n divides some tj or
n divides some ty - tx ?
neither property holds if k = n-1 and S = { 1, 2, …, n-1 }
so k ≥ n
suppose k = n
first property holds if n divides some tj
so assume n divides no tj
so there are at most n-1 different values for tj (mod n)
by PHP, exist tx, ty with same remainder (mod n)
so second property does not hold
smallest integer above is k=n
for any set S, with k ≥ n, at least one of two properties holds
pick any sequence of five integers, eg. (9 -3 7 7 1)
find consecutive subsequence with sum a multiple of 5: (9 -3 7 7 *)
always possible ?
for any n ∈ , any sequence (a1 ... an), some consecutive subsequence has sum a multiple of n
for each x ∈ {1, … n}, define
by above conclusion, for S = { t1, ..., tj }, n divides some tx or n divides some ty - tx
so, n divides some consecutive subsequence of (a1 ... an)
a binary relation that is
e.g. S = subsets of {a,b,c} and relation "is subset of"
e.g. S = {1,2,…,12} and relation "divides"
a map of an IKEA store ? no
a simplified drawing of a poset:
links that follow by transitivity are omitted
stable set: a subset S of points of a poset, such that no two points of S are related
coloring (of points of poset): partition of points of a poset into stable sets (color classes)
min coloring: coloring with fewest number of color classes
finding a min coloring of a poset is easy (below)
finding min coloring of arbitrary binary relation can be harder
input: poset P output: min coloring of P j = 0 while not empty(P): C[j] = set of all sources of P remove C[j] from P j += 1
1) algorithm terminates
2) the partition is a coloring of P
3) the partition is a min coloring of P
a binary relation with no cycles has a source
every poset has no cycles
so every iteration removes at least one point from P
it suffices to prove that the set C of all sources of a poset is a stable set
suppose C is not stable
then it contains points a,b such that aRb
then b is not a source, and so should not be in C, contradiction
it suffices to show that P has a chain of the same size as the number of color classes
to prove this, prove that every maximal chain contains a source
so the set C[0] intersects every maximal — and so also maximum — chain
finally, by induction, construct a chain of P that includes one point from every block (details omitted)