algorithms with numbers

  • factoring(n): find a prime factor

  • isprime(n): is n prime ?

logs   basic   modular   gcd   isprime   genprime   RSA  


  • logarithm means ‘exponent that gives’

    • e.g. logarithm base 2 of n is exponent base 2 that gives n

    • exponent x such that 2x = n

  • in this course

    • lg(x) = lg x     is log base 2

    • ln(x) = ln x     is log base n

    • log(x) = log x     is log to some undefined base

logs to different bases differ by a constant factor
  • n = dlgdn so …

  • lgb n = lgb dlgdn = (lgb d) (lgd n), and lgb d is a constant

  • e.g. lg2 n = (lg2 e) ln n

  • so Θ(lg2 n) = Θ(ln n) = Θ(lg17 n) = Θ(log n)

how many bits in binary rep'n of n?   1 + floor( lg(n) ) = Theta( log(n) )
  • let n positive integer

  • let k number of bits in binary rep'n of n

  • in binary

    • 1 0 0 . . 0     n smallest 2k-1

    • 1 1 1 . . 1     n largest 2k-1 < 2k

  • 2k-1 ≤ n < 2k

  • lg(2k-1) ≤ lg(n) < lg(2k)

  • k-1 ≤ lg(n) < k

  • lg(n) < k ≤ 1+lg(n)

  • k = 1 + ⌊ lg(n) ⌋ and k ∈ Θ(lg n)

basic arithmetic

decimal-binary conversion: 206
   1   3   6  12  25  51 103 206
   1   1   0   0   1   1   1   0
decimal -> binary: from right
binary  -> decimal: from left
school addition (binary)
  1     1 1 1     carry
    1 1 0 1 0 1   (53)
  + 1 0 0 0 1 1   (35)
  1 0 1 1 0 0 0   (88)
correctness lemma

In any base at least 2, the sum of any three 1-digit numbers has at most 2 digits.

how long does it take to add two numbers, larger has k bits?
  • number of bits in sum is k or k+1

  • school algorithm takes time proportional to number of bits in sum

  • so school algorithm takes Θ(k) time

  • can we do better ?

  • any algorithm takes Ω(k) time to write out answer

  • so addding two numbers, larger has k bits, takes Θ(k) time

how long does it take to add two numbers, larger is n?
  • Θ(lg n) bits in n

  • so addding two numbers, larger is n, takes Θ(lg n) ) time

school multiplication (binary)
         1 1 0 1  (13)
      x  1 0 1 1  (11)
         1 1 0 1
       1 1 0 1
     0 0 0 0
+  1 1 0 1
 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1  (143)
Al Khwarizmi mult, aka peasant mult
+   13   11
+   26    5
    52    2 (even, omit)
+  104    1
why this works
13 * 11 =  26 * 5.5
        =  26*.5 + 26 * 5
        =  13 +  26 * 5
        =  13 +  52*2.5
        =  13 +  52*.5 + 52*2
        =  13 +  26  + 52 * 2
        =  13 +  26  + 104 * 1
        =  143
recursive mult
def rmult(x,y): # x,y >= 0
  if y==0:
    return 0
  elif 0== y%2:
    return 2*rmult(x, y/2)
    return x + 2*rmult(x, y/2)
correct ?

claim: for all non-negative integers x,y, rmult(x,y) returns x*y

  • proof (sketch): induction on y

  • base case

    • assume y=0. then rmult(x,y) returns 0, and x*y=0, done.

  • inductive case

    • let t be a non-negative integer at least 0

    • assume claim holds for all y up to and including t

    • want to show claim holds for y = t+1

    • case 0: assume t even, say t = 2*j

    • so t+1 = 2*j+1 is odd, and (t+1)/2 = j

    • so rmult(x,t+1) returns x+2*rmult(x,(t+1)/2) = x+2*rmult(x, j)

    • = x+2*(x*j) by induction hypothesis, since j non-neg and at most t

    • = x*(2j+1) = x*(t+1), so claim holds in this case.

    • case 1: assume t odd. exercise.

  • QED

runtime ?
  • assume x,y each have k bits

  • with each call, number of bits of y-parameter decreases by 1

  • so Theta(k) calls

  • each call is either shift (multiply by 2), at most 2k bits

  • also might have add (at most k-bits)

  • so each call O(k)

  • total time O(k^2)

  • how long to multiply 2 k-bit numbers with school algorithm?}

how long does it take to multiply?
  • unless otherwise specified, assume that we want to answer as a function of the size of the input

  • so, what is the size of the input?

  • unless otherwise specified, this is the space need to represent the input

  • so here, this would be the number of bits needed to represent the two numbers

  • answer: O(k^2) time, where k is the number of bits needed to store the input

  • why do I not write Theta(k^2) here?

can we do better ?
  • yes (later)

recursive div: motivation
100 = q * 13 + r  ?
100  50  25  12  6  3  1  0
  0 = 0 * 13 + 0
  1 = 0 * 13 + 1    <--2*0+1
  3 = 0 * 13 + 3    <--2*1+1
  6 = 0 * 13 + 6    <--2*3
 12 = 0 * 13 + 12   ...
 25 = 0 * 13 + 25
    = 1 * 13 + (25-13) <-- 12
 50 = 2 * 13 + 24
    = 3 * 13 + (24-13) <-- 11
100 = 6 * 13 + 22
    = 7 * 13 + (22-13) <-- 9
recursive div
def rdiv(x,y): # y >= 1, x >= 0
  print 'rdiv(',x,y,')'
  if x==0:
    return 0,0
  q,r = rdiv(x/2,y)
  q,r = 2*q, 2*r
  if 1==x%2:
    r = r+1
  if r >= y:
    q,r = q+1, r-y
  print x,'=',q,'*',y,'+',r
  return q,r
rdiv( 100 13 )
rdiv( 50 13 )
rdiv( 25 13 )
rdiv( 12 13 )
rdiv( 6 13 )
rdiv( 3 13 )
rdiv( 1 13 )
rdiv( 0 13 )
1 = 0 * 13 + 1
3 = 0 * 13 + 3
6 = 0 * 13 + 6
12 = 0 * 13 + 12
25 = 1 * 13 + 12
50 = 3 * 13 + 11
100 = 7 * 13 + 9
recursive div
  • correct ?

  • runtime ? O(n^2), where n is the number of bits in x,y

  • can we do better ?

modular arithmetic

x (mod n)
  • for integer n > 1, x (mod n) is the remainder upon division of x by n:
    integer r s.t.   x = qn + r,   where 0 ≤ r < n

  • x ≡ y (mod n)     iff     exists k,   x-y = kn

  • if x ≡ x' (mod n)   and y ≡ y' (mod n),   then

    • x + y ≡ x' + y' (mod n)

    • x - y ≡ x' - y' (mod n)

    • x - y ≡ x' - y' (mod n)

  • consequence: can do modular arithmetic so that numbers stay small

113 * (167 + 484) + 192 * 145 (mod 21)
113 * (167 + 484) + 192 * 145  (mod 21) =
113 * (   651   ) + 192 * 145  (mod 21) =
113 * (   651   ) +   27840    (mod 21) =
   73563          +   27840    (mod 21) =
                101403         (mod 21) =
                  15           (mod 21)

113 * (167 + 484) + 192 * 145  (mod 21) =
 8  * (-1  +  1 ) +  3  * (-2) (mod 21) =
    0             +    -6      (mod 21) =
                  15           (mod 21)
modular exponentiation
def modexp(x,y,n): #integers, y >= 0, n >= 2
  if y==0:
    return 1
  z = modexp(x,y/2,n)
  if 0==y%2:
    return (z*z)%n
    return (x*z*z)%n

for j in range(-5,5):
  for k in range(10):
    for m in range(10):
      assert modexp(j,k,m+2)==pow(j,k,m+2)
mod exp
  • correct ?

  • runtime ? Theta(n) calls, mult'n, so O(n^3)

  • better ?

Euclid's gcd

  • Euclid circa 325-265 BC (?)

  • Elements VII.2

  • improvement: a%b instead of a-b

  • today: inverse (mod n): primality testing, RSA

Euclid gcd
def euclid(a,b): # a >= b >= 0
  print a,
  while b>0:
    a, b = b, a % b
    print a,
  print ''
  return a

  9873 3627 2619 1008 603 405 198 9
  144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1
correctness: gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a-b)
  • assume x divides a,   x divides b

    • so exists j, x*j = a

    • so exists k, x*k = b

    • so a-b = x*(j-k)

    • so exists m, x*m = a-b

    • so x divides a-b

  • so { common divisors a,b } subset of { common divisors b,a-b }

  • similarly, { common divisors b,a-b } subset of { common divisors a,b }

  • so … QED

corollary: gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a%b)

euclid(a,b) returns gcd(a,b)
  • prove by induction on b

    • after each iteration

      • gcd(a,b) = gcd(a.prev, b.prev)

      • 0 ≤ b < b.prev

complexity: for a at least b, a mod b less than a/2
  • case b ≤ a/2:    a mod b    <    b    ≤    a/2

  • case b > a/2:    a mod b    =    a - b    <    a/2

corollary: two consecutive rounds halves a,b, so ≤ 2 lg(b) iterations

corollary: number iterations in O( lg(b) )

complexity: at most 1.44.. lg(b) iterations, and this can happen
  • proof: Lame 1844, induction

  • smallest b causing n iterations is Fibonacci(n)

  • so ≤ lg(b) / lg(1.618…) iterations, and

    • Fib sequence gives this many iterations

  • corollary: worst case iterations in Theta( lg(b) )

euclid gcd
  • correct ?    above

  • runtime ?    O((lg b)^3)

  • can we do better ?

linear combo lemma

integers a,b,x,y,d:    d > 0    d | a    d | b    d = ax + by    then
   d = gcd(a,b)


  • every common divisor of a,b divides every linear combination of a,b

  • every common divisor of a,b ≤ every postive linear combo of a,b

  • every common divisor of a,b ≤ d,    so gcd(a,b) ≤ d

  • d | a,b,    so d common divisor of a,b,    so d ≤ gcd(a,b)

7 > 0
7 | 135716                           (?)
7 | 8616909                          (?)
8616909 * -321 + 135716 * 20381 = 7  (?)
so 7 = gcd(8616909,135716)
extended euclid gcd: find x,y s.t. ax+by=gcd(a,b)
def exteuclid(a,b): #a>=b>=0: x,y,d: ax+by=d=gcd(a,b)
  if b==0:
    print a,'* 1 +',b,'* 0 =',a
    return 1, 0, a
  x, y, d = exteuclid(b, a%b)
  print a,'*',y,'+',b,'*',x-(a/b)*y,'=',d
  return y, x-(a/b)*y, d

  7 * 1 + 0 * 0 = 7
  420 * 0 + 7 * 1 = 7
  847 * 1 + 420 * -2 = 7
  1267 * -2 + 847 * 3 = 7
  2114 * 3 + 1267 * -5 = 7
  66801 * -5 + 2114 * 158 = 7
  135716 * 158 + 66801 * -321 = 7
  8616909 * -321 + 135716 * 20381 = 7
extended euclid gcd
  • correct ?

  • runtime ?

  • can we do better ?

modular division

x is multiplicative inverse of a mod n if   ax ≡ 1 (mod n)

  • a has mult. inv. mod n iff gcd(a,n) = 1, in which case use ext.euc. to find it

examples using extended Euclid gcd
  • find 193-1 (mod 905)
    193*347 + 905*-74 = 1, so
    193-1 (mod 905) = 347

  • find 39-1 (mod 60)
    60*2 + 39*-3 = 3, so
    39-1 (mod 60) does not exist

  • find 23-1 (mod 37)
    37*5 + 23*-8 = 1, so
    23-1 (mod 37) = -8 = 29


one of these two numbers is probably prime

9807557252 8648173575 5038095692 9736165065 8570516592 8591379633

1 0545319355 9649383033 0184689288 7085596360 3199992904 9022641801

def isprime(n):
  for j in range(2,n):
    if 0==n%j:
      return False  # composite
  return True      # prime

for t in range(2, 1000):
  if isprime(t):
    print t
  • correct ?

  • runtime? worst case Θ(n (log n)2)

  • runtime? exponential in size of input

    • assume numbers stored in binary

    • size of input is k = Θ(lg n)

    • runtime? worst case Θ(2k k2)

  • can we do better?

  • p prime, a ∈ [1 ... p-1] ⇒

    • ap-1 = 1 (mod p)     Fermat aj (mod p)

    • a2 = 1 (mod p) ⇒ a = ± 1 (mod p)     Euclid

  • n composite if exists a ∈ [2 ... n-2] s.t.

    • an-1 ≠ 1 (mod n)     (Fermat) or

    • a2 = 1 (mod n)     (Euclid, nontrivial square root of 1)

composite witness examples
  • is 561 prime ?

    • notice 396560 (mod 561) = 528

    • so 396 is Fermat witness that 561 is composite

  • is 8911 prime ?

    • notice 66982 (mod 8911) = 1

    • so 396 is Euclid witness that 8911 is composite

efficient computation of 396^560 (mod 561)
560 280 140 70 35 17 8 4 2 1
a^1 = 396 (mod 561)
a^2 = (a^1)^2 = 396*396 = 297 (mod 561)
a^4 = (a^2)^2 = 297*297 = 132 (mod 561)
a^8 = (a^4)^2 = 132*132 =  33 (mod 561)
a^17 = a*(a^8)^2 = 396*33*33 = 396 (mod 561)
a^35 = a*(a^17)^2 = 396*(396*396) = 363 (mod 561)
a^70 = (a^35)^2 = 495 (mod 561)
a^140 = (a^70)^2 = 429 (mod 561)
a^280 = (a^140)^2 = 33 (mod 561)
a^560 = (a^280)^2 = 528 (mod 561)
Miller Rabin probabilistic primality test
  • repeat k times

    • pick random a ∈ [2 ... n-2]

    • compute an-1 (mod n), at same time look for nontrivial root

    • if an-1 ≠ 1 (mod n) or nontrivial root found:

      • return composite

  • return probably prime

Miller Rabin success probability
  • one-sided error

  • if witness found, then n composite

  • if no witness found, then n probably prime

    • if n composite, then at least 3/4 of [2 .. n-2] are witnesses

    • Probability(false positive) = Prob(n composite but no witness found) ≤ 1/4k

    • e.g. k = 10, Prob(false positive) ≤ 1/410 < 1e-6

    • e.g. k = 20, Prob(false positive) < 1e-12

miller rabin examples: n = 561
z = 560 280 140 70 35
a = 12
a^35          (mod 561) =  45
a^70  =  45^2 (mod 561) = 342
a^140 = 342^2 (mod 561) = 276
a^280 = 276^2 (mod 561) = 441
a^560 = 441^2 (mod 561) = 375  <= not 1, report composite

a = 101
a^35          (mod 561) = 560  = -1 :(
a^70  = 560^2 (mod 561) =   1
a^140 =   1^2 (mod 561) =   1
a^280 =   1^2 (mod 561) =   1
a^560 =   1^2 (mod 561) =   1    (if only this a, report prob prime)

a = 29
a^35          (mod 561) = 164
a^70  = 164^2 (mod 561) = 529
a^140 = 529^2 (mod 561) = 463
a^280 = 463^2 (mod 561) =  67
a^560 =  67^2 (mod 561) =   1  <= 67^2 = 1, report composite
miller rabin
def compositeWitness(w,n,verbose): # miller rabin
  # is w witness for n composite ?
  assert 1==n%2
  s,z = 0, n-1
  while (0== z%2):
  y = pow(w,z,n)
  for j in range(s):
    z = (y*y)%n
    if z == 1 and y !=1 and y != n-1:
      if verbose: print w, 'yields root', y
      return True  # yes, composite
    y = z
  if (z != 1):
    if verbose: print w, '  fails Fermat'
    return True    # yes, composite
  return False       # no, probably prime

def isComposite(n,t,verbose): # t tries to show composite
  if verbose: print n,
  knownComposite = False
  tries = 0
  while (not knownComposite) and (tries < t):
    tries += 1
    a = random.randint(2,n-2)
    knownComposite = compositeWitness(a,n,verbose)
    if verbose and not knownComposite: print a,
  return knownComposite

def primetest(n,t):
  if isComposite(n,t,False):
    print n,'composite'
    print n,'prime\nProb >= 1.0 -', pow(.25,t)
which number is prime?
x = 980755725286481735755038095692973616506585705165928591379633
y = 1054531935596493830330184689288708559636031999929049022641801
AKS primality test

generating primes

generating primes
  • cryptography: need primes several hundred bits long

Lagrange etc
  • the number of primes leq x : : : approx :::  frac{displaystyle x}{displaystyleln x - 1}

  • corollary: prob(number with at most n-bits is prime) approx 1/ln(2^n) = 1/n ln(2) approx 1.44/n

  • so on average n ln(2) approx .69n picks suffice to find n-bit prime

  • e.g. prob(number with at most 33-bits is prime) approx 1.44/33 = .043

  • average number of picks to find 33-bit prime approx 23

  • 1/2 as many picks if you skip even numbers

  • 1/6 as many picks if you skip numbers divisible by 2 or 3

  • etc.

miller-rabin prime generation
def primegen(n,t,verbose): # find n-bit probable-prime
  found = False
  low, high = pow(2,n-2), pow(2,n-1)-1
  attempts = 0
  while not found:
    attempts += 1
    a = 2*random.randint(low,high)+1
    if verbose: print a
    found = not isComposite(a,t,verbose)
  if verbose: print attempts, 'attempts'
  return a, attempts  # Prob(a prime) >= 1 - (1/4)^t

numbits, experiments, sum = 100, 100, 0
for j in range(experiments):
  sum += primegen(numbits,20,False)[1]
print 'avg trials to find prime', sum/(experiments*1.0)
print 'expected number of trials', math.log(pow(2,numbits))/2.0