D A -- C B -- H | \ | \ | | \ | \ | E -- F G nodes A B C D E F G H degrees 3 2 2 0 2 3 2 2 edges 8 sum of degrees 16
G = (V,E)
graph, vertex/node/point, edge/line
component: maximal connected subgraph
degree of a vertex
n or |V| number of nodes
m or |E| number of edges
adjacency matrix A B C D E F G H A 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 C 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 F 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 H 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 adjacency list A [C E F] B [H G] C [A F] D [ ] E [A F] F [A C E] G [B H] H [B G]
adjacency matrix uses n2 bits
adjacency list uses n + 2m node labels
worst case, m ∈ Θ( n2 )
if n large and average degree small, lists smaller than matrix
def dfs(G): seen = {} for v in G: seen[v] = False for v in G: if not seen[v]: explore(G,v,seen) def explore(G,v,seen): print v, 'start explore' seen[v] = True for nbr in G[v]: if not seen[nbr]: explore(G,nbr,seen) print v, 'finish explore' def show(G): for v in sorted(G): print v,':', for j in G[v]: print j, print '' print '' G = {'A': ['C', 'E', 'F'], 'B': ['G', 'H'], 'C': ['A', 'F'], 'D': [], 'E': ['A', 'F'], 'F': ['A', 'C', 'E'], 'G': ['B', 'H'], 'H': ['B', 'G']} show(G) dfs(G)
A start explore C start explore F start explore E start explore E finish explore F finish explore C finish explore A finish explore B start explore G start explore H start explore H finish explore G finish explore B finish explore D start explore D finish explore
preorder: by dfs start (1st encounter)
postorder: by dfs finish (last encounter)
def dfs(G): pre,post,seen,cmpt = {},{},{},{} for v in G: seen[v] = False clock, cnum = [0], 0 #clock[0] passed by ref for v in G: if not seen[v]: cnum += 1 explore(G,v,seen,pre,post,clock,cmpt,cnum) showall(G,pre,post,cmpt) def explore(G,v,seen,pre,post,clock,cmpt,c): print 'explore from', v seen[v] = True cmpt[v] = c timestamp(v, pre, clock) for nbr in G[v]: if not seen[nbr]: explore(G,nbr,seen,pre,post,clock,cmpt,c) timestamp(v, post, clock) def timestamp(v, order, clock): clock[0]+= 1; order[v] = clock[0] def showall(G,pre,post,cnum): print ' ', for v in sorted(G): print '%2s' % v, print '\npre ', for v in sorted(G): print '%2s' % pre[v], print '\npost ', for v in sorted(G): print '%2s' % post[v], print '\ncmpt ', for v in sorted(G): print '%2s' % cnum[v], def show(G): for v in sorted(G): print v,':', for j in G[v]: print j, print '' print '' G = {'A': ['C', 'E', 'F'], 'B': ['G', 'H'], 'C': ['A', 'F'], 'D': [], 'E': ['A', 'F'], 'F': ['A', 'C', 'E'], 'G': ['B', 'H'], 'H': ['B', 'G'] } show(G) dfs(G)
adjacency matrix:
adjacency list:
why? see text, then guess output from examples below
def traverse(G): seen,cmpt,cnum,work = {},{},0,[0] #work reflects runtime for v in G: seen[v] = False cmpt[v] = 0 for v in sorted(G): work[0] += 1 if not seen[v]: cnum += 1 dfs(G,v,seen,cmpt,cnum,work) print '' for v in sorted(G): print v, print '' for v in sorted(G): print cmpt[v], print '\nwork', work[0] def dfs(G,v,seen,cmpt,c,work): seen[v],cmpt[v],work[0] = True,c,work[0]+1 for nbr in sorted(G[v]): work[0] += 1 if not seen[nbr]: dfs(G,nbr,seen,cmpt,c,work) print v, def show(G): for v in sorted(G): print v,':', for j in G[v]: print j, print '' print '' G = {'A': ['F'], 'B': ['D','C'], 'C': ['G','B','E','D'], 'D': ['G','B','C'], 'E': ['C','G'], 'F': ['A'], 'G': ['C', 'D']} show(G) traverse(G)
def n(G): return len(G[0]) def alpha(j): return chr(j+ord('A')) def traverse(G): seen,cmpt,cnum,work = {},{},0,[0] for v in range(n(G)): seen[v] = False cmpt[v] = 0 for v in range(n(G)): work[0] += 1 if not seen[v]: cnum += 1 dfs(G,v,seen,cmpt,cnum,work) print '' for v in range(n(G)): print alpha(v), print '' for v in range(n(G)): print cmpt[v], print '\nwork', work[0] def dfs(G,v,seen,cmpt,c,work): seen[v],cmpt[v],work[0] = True,c,work[0]+1 for j in range(n(G)): # possible nbr work[0] += 1 if G[v][j]==1: # j is nbr if not seen[j]: dfs(G,j,seen,cmpt,c,work) print alpha(v), def show(G): print ' ', for v in range(n(G)): print alpha(v), print '' for v in range(n(G)): print alpha(v),':', for w in range(n(G)): if G[v][w]==1: print '1', else: print '0', print '' print '' G = ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) show(G) traverse(G)
B - L - G M A \ / \ / \ / I - E H - K \ / \ C - J - F - D
def bfs(G): # depth in bfs forest seen, depth = {}, {} for v in G: seen[v], depth[v] = False, 0 print 'bfs order ', for v in sorted(G): if not seen[v]: explorebfs(G,v,seen,depth) print '\nnodes ', for v in sorted(G): print v, print '\nbfs forest depth', for v in sorted(G): print depth[v], print '' def addtolist(L,v,seen): L.append(v); seen[v]=True def explorebfs(G,v,seen,d): Q = [] addtolist(Q,v,seen) while len(Q)>0: v = Q.pop(0); print v, for nbr in G[v]: if not seen[nbr]: d[nbr] = 1 + d[v] addtolist(Q,nbr,seen) def show(G): for v in sorted(G): print v,':', for j in G[v]: print j, print '' G = { 'A':['H'], 'B':['I','L'], 'C':['E','I','J'], 'D':['F'], 'E':['C','G','I','J','L'], 'F':['D','J'], 'G':['E','L'], 'H':['A','K','M'], 'I':['B','C','E','L'], 'J':['C','E','F'], 'K':['H'], 'L':['B','E','G','I'], 'M':['H']} bfs(G)
D = { 'A':['B'], 'B':['C','E','F'], 'C':['D','G'], 'D':['C','H'], 'E':['A','F'], 'F':['G'], 'G':['F'], 'H':['D','G'] }
strongly connected: if, for each ordered pair of vertices (a,b), there is a path from a to b
strongly connected component:
vertex subset
the subset is strongly connected
the subset is maximal (wrt being strongly connected)
transpose of a digraph: reverse direction of every arc
in a digraph
source node/scc: has no in-arcs
sink node/scc: has no out-arcs
to find sccs of digraph D:
find node s in sink scc S
find and remove S
repeat until done
how to find s ?
last in postorder of transpose T
how to find S?
start from s, use dfs/bfs on D
adjacency list
can find transpose in Θ(n+m) time
total Θ(n+m) time
adjacency matrix
can find transpose in time Θ(n2)
total time Θ(n2)
in acyclic digraph D postorder
each v appears after all w reachable from v, so
last vertex is D source, so
in transpose T postorder
last vertex is T source, so
last vertex is D sink
in postorder of transpose T of arbitrary digraph D,
last vertex is in D sink scc
def dfs(G,v,seen,cmpt,c,S,phase): seen[v],cmpt[v] = True,c for nbr in sorted(G[v]): if not seen[nbr]: dfs(G,nbr,seen,cmpt,c,S,phase) if (phase==0): S.append(v) # append in postorder def transpose(G): T = {} for v in G: T[v] = [] for v in G: for w in G[v]: T[w].append(v) return T def scc(G): phase,seen,cmpt,c,S = 0,{},{},0,[] for v in G: seen[v],cmpt[v] = False, 0 T = transpose(G) for v in sorted(T): if not seen[v]: dfs(T,v,seen,cmpt,c,S,phase) showall(T,cmpt,S) phase,c = 1,0 for v in G: seen[v],cmpt[v] = False, 0 while len(S)>0: v = S.pop() # pop from end, so reverse order if not seen[v]: c += 1 dfs(G,v,seen,cmpt,c,S,phase) showall(G,cmpt,S) def showall(G,cmpt,S): print ' ', for v in sorted(G): print '%2s' % v, print '\ncmpt ', for v in sorted(G): print '%2s' % cmpt[v], print '\nstack', S D = { 'A':['B'], 'B':['C','E','F'], 'C':['D','G'], 'D':['C','H'], 'E':['A','F'], 'F':['G'], 'G':['F'], 'H':['D','G'] } G = {'A':['F'], 'B':['H'], 'C':['B','F'], 'D':['I'], 'E':['B'], 'F':['C','I'], 'G':['E'], 'H':['G'], 'I':['A','G']} scc(D)
a digraph D
its transpose T
D dfs traversal forest: A C J D G L F K H B I E D-dfs postorder D E B I H F G A K L C J notice: postorder-first node in sink scc (why?) postorder-last node in source scc (why?) T dfs traversal forest: A B C D J F E K G I L H T-dfs postorder G F A H I E B L K C D J G dfs traversal forest, using reverse T postorder: J D C B A K E F L I G H notice: each tree in above forest is scc of T/D
how do the results of scc(D) compare with scc(transpose(D)) ?
try an example or two