CISA: Supplementary Materials
- X. Wan and
G. Lin.
CISA: Combined NMR Resonance Connectivity Information Determination and Sequential Assignment.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
Submitted for publication.
Release Notes
- On May 8, 2006, the following supplementary materials were released:
- CISA linux executable (Redhat 9.0), including a configuration file and several data files (tar and gzipped, 900KB).
Use command line:
prompt> ./chain [t]
where t is an optional parameter in between 0.25 and 0.6 and the smaller t indicates easier instances.
It expects 4 files at the same directory, "seq.dat", "ss.dat", "Ansas.spin", and "Ansas.spin.inter".
- 12 protein datasets using chemical shift combination (HN, N, CA, CB) in
Experiment #1 (tar and gzipped, 58KB);
- 10 protein datasets using chemical shift combination (HN, N, CA, CB, CO) in
Experiment #2 (tar and gzipped, 46KB);
- 23 protein datasets using chemical shift combination (HN, N, CA, CB) or (HN, N, CA, CB, CO), depending on their availability, in
Experiment #3 (tar and gzipped, 131KB).
This research is partially supported by AICML,
NSERC, and
Please email ghlin[at]cs[dot]ualberta[dot]ca for any additional questions you might have.