The University of Alberta AI Scripting Research Group

Developer Resources for Neverwinter Nights

nwnintf - a Java package for manipulating NWN Modules

As a side-effect of our research, we have developed a package of Java classes for reading and writing data files in the Neverwinter Nights Encapsulated Resource Format(ERF) and Generic File Format (GFF) formats. Our implementation was created before BioWare released their official documentation and is currently based upon Torlack's data file documentation.

We have also cloned some of the Aurora Toolset GUI components, namely the blueprint palette and a read-only version of the conversation editor.

The nwnintf blueprint picker. The nwnintf conversation viewer.

Downloading nwnintf

You can download nwnintf as a zip file. Documentation is available in a set of javadoc-generated html files in the package. You can also study the example program in nwnintf/example/ called for usage of the Aurora GUI widgets. You can run it by
javac nwnintf\example\
java nwnintf\example\Example1
Assuming you have java working already. If the Blueprint palette doesn't look right, create a scriptease.ini file in the same directory that you unzipped the file and set its contents to
Using the path to your installation of Neverwinter.

Documentation on how to use the ItpFile and ModFile classes to manipulate GFF and ERF files, respectively, is also forthcoming - in the meantime you can study the code.

File Formats

The GFF file format is used to represent many different kinds of things.

The NWN conversation aka dialog file is a GFF format file. The format is found here.

The NWN Custom Blueprint Palette descriptor file is also in GFF format. Read about it here.

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Last Update: June, 2003