Why Sokoban?

Our research has a very practical nature: If a method does not work in practise, what is the point? We are not saying there is no value to theory, in fact, we use a lot of other people's theoretic results in our work, but we are primarily interested in systems that solve real problems. We like the immediate feedback of something that works and then works better because of our investigations and ideas.
What makes Sokoban in particular so attractive to us? Humans are incredibly apt in solving Sokoban puzzles. They are able to take advantage of the structure of the puzzles to develop higher level concepts that allow them to decompose the problems into loosely coupled subproblems or subgoals. This is what Artificial Intelligence is all about. And yet, we are having very limited success in carrying this human ability over into algorithms. Apart from the question if we want to make the machine solve the problem in a similar fashion as the humans, the more important aspect here is that if we want to successfully tackle the exponential nature of Sokoban problems, decomposition is essential and exhaustive search strategies are very ill equipped to decompose problems.
Humans, however, can successfully solve Sokoban problems. As a testbed for artificial intelligence techniques, Sokoban offers a real challenge to researchers, since most of the core problems of artificial intelligence need to be addressed to build a successful program that rivals best human performance in solving Sokoban problems.
[University of Alberta] 
University of Alberta 
[Department of Computing Science] 
Computing Science 
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