- CMPUT 204 (F'10, F'13):
Algorithms I
- CMPUT 229 (W'16):
Computer Organization and Architecture I
- CMPUT 272 (W'17):
Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science
- CMPUT 313 (F'13, W'14, F'15, W'15, F'16, W'17, W'18, W'19, W'20):
Computer Networks
- CMPUT 379 (F'17, F'18):
Operating Systems
- CMPUT 495 (W'20): Honors Seminar
- CMPUT 605 (F'18):
Performance and Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks
- CMPUT 641 (W'13, F'14, F'16, W'19,
Topics in Network Modelling and Performance: Wireless Networks
- MM 802 (W'17, W'18): Multimedia Networking