/* Copyright (C) 2000 Dale Schuurmans, Finnegan Southey */ /* This work is licensed under the Gnu General Public License (see gpl.txt). */ /* This is a floating-point implementation of SDF. */ #include #include #include #include "satfront.h" #include "readcnf.h" #define swap(x,y) temp=x; x=y; y=temp #define swapint(x,y) tempint=x; x=y; y=tempint /* When on, vars occuring in false clauses will be selected over those that * do not, even if they offer a smaller gain in objective value. */ #define PRIORITIZE_FALSE_CLAUSE_VARS 1 /* Sanity checks that determines if the same variable is flipped twice under * trivial conditions. */ #define CHECK_OSCILLATION 0 /* Turns on heap-based flip selection. */ /* No advantage observed at n=3016 (bw_large.c). */ /* Some advantage observed at n=6325 (bw_large.d). */ #define USE_HEAP 0 #if USE_HEAP #define SUMSCORE_X sumscore[varheapind[x]] #define SUMSCORE_XFLIP sumscore[varheapind[xflip]] #else #define SUMSCORE_X sumscore[x] #define SUMSCORE_XFLIP sumscore[xflip] #endif typedef double REAL; REAL temp; REAL tempint; int steps, r; int *cumcount; REAL *satdiff; REAL *diffdiff; REAL *satscore; int *sat; REAL *weight; int *yfalse; int *wherefalse; int *floodtime; REAL *falseadd; REAL *satadd; REAL *sat1sub; REAL *satmsub; REAL *sumscore; int *xinumvio; int *wherexinumvio; int *countxinumvio; int numxinumvio; #if USE_HEAP int *scorevar; int *varheapind; #endif int *make; int *brake; REAL *rawsatadd; REAL *rawsatmsub; int *maxXs; REAL *betas; REAL *satmeans; REAL *rhobeta; REAL *cummean; /*************** Incremental SHRUNK NON-BOOSTING FLOOD-SAT *******************/ void preSolve(SATParams *params) { int T, F, l, litScoreCeil; cumcount = malloc((Nmax+1) * sizeof(int)); satdiff = malloc((Nmax+1) * sizeof(REAL)); diffdiff = malloc((Nmax+1) * sizeof(REAL)); satscore = malloc((Nmax+1) * sizeof(REAL)); sat = malloc(m * sizeof(int)); weight = malloc(m * sizeof(REAL)); yfalse = malloc(m * sizeof(int)); wherefalse = malloc(m * sizeof(int)); floodtime = malloc(m * sizeof(int)); falseadd = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); satadd = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); sat1sub = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); satmsub = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); sumscore = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); xinumvio = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); wherexinumvio = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); countxinumvio = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); #if USE_HEAP scorevar = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); varheapind = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); #endif make = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); brake = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); rawsatadd = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); rawsatmsub = malloc(n * sizeof(REAL)); maxXs = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); T = params->intParams[0]; if (T == 0) T = 100000; F = T/2; litScoreCeil = params->intParams[4]; if (litScoreCeil == 0) litScoreCeil = Nmax; else if (litScoreCeil > Nmax) litScoreCeil = Nmax; betas = malloc(F * sizeof(REAL)); satmeans = malloc(F * sizeof(REAL)); rhobeta = malloc(F * sizeof(REAL)); cummean = malloc(F * sizeof(REAL)); for (l = Nmax; l > litScoreCeil; l--) { satdiff[l] = 0; diffdiff[l] = 0; } satdiff[litScoreCeil] = 1.0; cumcount[Nmax] = lencount[Nmax]; for (l = Nmax - 1; l >= 0; l--) cumcount[l] = cumcount[l+1] + lencount[l]; for (l = litScoreCeil - 1; l > 0; l--) { diffdiff[l] = satdiff[l+1] * cumcount[l+1]; satdiff[l] = satdiff[l+1] + diffdiff[l]; } for (l = 2; l <= litScoreCeil; l++) { diffdiff[l] /= satdiff[1]; satdiff[l] /= satdiff[1]; } satdiff[1] = 1.0; satscore[0] = 0.0; for (l = 1; l <= litScoreCeil; l++) satscore[l] = satscore[l-1] + satdiff[l]; for (l = litScoreCeil+1; l <= Nmax; l++) satscore[l] = satscore[l-1]; } void runSolver(SATParams *params, SATResults *results) { int R; int T; int F; REAL delta; REAL rho; REAL oneminusrho; int minorCorrPeriod; int majorCorrPeriod; int t, f, x, y, i, j, xflip =-1 , u; int numvio = 0; int nmxs; int floods, uphist, tempint; REAL maxdiff; REAL total; REAL sattotal, falsetotal; REAL oldsattotal; REAL meansat, dsattotal; REAL alpha, minalpha, beta; #if CHECK_OSCILLATION int lastFlip = -1; #endif #include "mobility1.c" T = params->intParams[0]; R = params->intParams[1]; minorCorrPeriod = params->intParams[2]; majorCorrPeriod = params->intParams[3]; delta = params->doubleParams[0]; rho = params->doubleParams[1]; if (T == 0) T = 100000; if (R == 0) R = 5; if (delta == 0) delta = 0.05/n; if (rho == 0) rho = 0.995; if (minorCorrPeriod == 0) minorCorrPeriod = 10; if (majorCorrPeriod == 0) majorCorrPeriod = 10; majorCorrPeriod *= minorCorrPeriod; oneminusrho = 1.0 - rho; F = T/2; steps = floods = 0; for (r = 0; r < R; r++) { /********* r ***************/ for (x = 0; x < n; x++) { X[x] = (rand() > HALF_RAND_MAX) * 2 - 1; countxinumvio[x] = 0; } steps++; numvio = 0; falsetotal = 0.0; numxinumvio = 0; for (y = 0; y < m; y++) { sat[y] = floodtime[y] = 0; weight[y] = 1.0 / m; for (i = 0; i maxdiff) { maxdiff = sumscore[x]; maxXs[0] = x; nmxs = 1; } else if (sumscore[x] == maxdiff) maxXs[nmxs++] = x; } if (maxdiff <= 0) { for (x = 0; x < n; x++) if (sumscore[x] > maxdiff) { maxdiff = sumscore[x]; maxXs[0] = x; nmxs = 1; } else if (sumscore[x] == maxdiff) maxXs[nmxs++] = x; } #else for (x = 0; x < n; x++) if (sumscore[x] > maxdiff) { maxdiff = sumscore[x]; maxXs[0] = x; nmxs = 1; } else if (sumscore[x] == maxdiff) maxXs[nmxs++] = x; #endif #endif if (maxdiff <= 0.0) { /*********** FLOOD **********/ REAL betarho, meansatoneminusrho; if ((f+1) % minorCorrPeriod == 0) { sattotal = falsetotal = 0.0; for (y = 0; y < m; y++) { if (floodtime[y] < f) { if (floodtime[y] < uphist) { for (u = uphist - 1; u >= floodtime[y]; u--) { rhobeta[u] = rhobeta[u+1] * betas[u+1] * rho; cummean[u] = cummean[u+1] + oneminusrho*rhobeta[u]*satmeans[u]; } uphist = floodtime[y]; } weight[y] = weight[y]*rhobeta[floodtime[y]] + cummean[floodtime[y]+1]; floodtime[y] = f; } if (sat[y] == 0) falsetotal += weight[y]; else sattotal += weight[y]; } if ((f+1) % majorCorrPeriod == 0) { total = sattotal + falsetotal; /* Normalize weights. */ for (y = 0; y < m; y++) weight[y] /= total; falsetotal /= total; sattotal = 1.0 - falsetotal; /* Recompute scores. */ for (x = 0; x < n; x++) { falseadd[x] = satadd[x] = sat1sub[x] = satmsub[x] = 0.0; rawsatadd[x] = rawsatmsub[x] = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < nYs[x]; j++) { y = Ys[x][j]; if (sat[y] == 0) { falseadd[x] += weight[y] * satdiff[1]; } else if (X[x] != Ysgns[x][j]) { satadd[x] += weight[y] * satdiff[sat[y]+1]; rawsatadd[x] += satdiff[sat[y]+1]; } else if (sat[y] == 1) { sat1sub[x] += weight[y] * satdiff[1]; } else { satmsub[x] += weight[y] * satdiff[sat[y]]; rawsatmsub[x] += satdiff[sat[y]]; } } SUMSCORE_X = (falseadd[x] + satadd[x]) - (sat1sub[x] + satmsub[x]); } } } floods++; f++; uphist = f; if (f >= F) { printf("Error: max number of floods exceeded\n"); exit(1); } total = sattotal + falsetotal; dsattotal = delta * sattotal; minalpha = 1e20; nmxs = 0; /** MINALPHA SEARCH **/ for (j = 0; j < numxinumvio; j++) { REAL score; x = xinumvio[j]; score = (sat1sub[x]+satmsub[x]-satadd[x]); alpha = total * (score+dsattotal) / ( falsetotal*score + falseadd[x]*sattotal ); if (alpha <= 1.0) { printf("Error: alpha is messed up, alpha=%g\n", alpha); exit(1); } if (alpha < minalpha) { minalpha = alpha; maxXs[0] = x; nmxs = 1; } else if (alpha == minalpha) maxXs[nmxs++] = x; } falsetotal *= minalpha; for (j = 0; j < numvio; j++) { y = yfalse[j]; weight[y] *= minalpha; floodtime[y] = f; } oldsattotal = sattotal; sattotal = total - falsetotal; satmeans[f] = meansat = sattotal / (m - numvio); betas[f] = beta = sattotal / oldsattotal; cummean[f] = oneminusrho * meansat; rhobeta[f] = 1.0; if (beta >= 1.0 || beta <= 0.0) { printf("Error: beta is messed up, beta=%g\n", beta); exit(1); } betarho = beta * rho; meansatoneminusrho = meansat * oneminusrho; for (x = 0; x < n; x++) { if (falseadd[x] > 0.0) falseadd[x] *= minalpha; if (satadd[x] <= 0.0) satadd[x] = 0.0; else satadd[x] = betarho*satadd[x] + rawsatadd[x]*meansatoneminusrho; if (sat1sub[x] > 0.0) sat1sub[x] = betarho*sat1sub[x] + brake[x]*satdiff[1]*meansatoneminusrho; if (satmsub[x] <= 0.0) satmsub[x] = 0.0; else satmsub[x] = betarho*satmsub[x] + rawsatmsub[x]*meansatoneminusrho; SUMSCORE_X = (falseadd[x] + satadd[x]) - (sat1sub[x] + satmsub[x]); } #if CHECK_OSCILLATION /* If we have just flooded, we can allow a duplicate flip. */ lastFlip = -1; #endif } /****************************/ if (nmxs == 1) xflip = maxXs[0]; else xflip = maxXs[rand()%nmxs]; #if CHECK_OSCILLATION if (lastFlip == xflip) { printf("Error: Flipped same variable twice consecutively: var %d flip %d\n", lastFlip, steps); exit(1); } lastFlip = xflip; #endif #ifdef ADD_NOISE if(rand() % 100000 < ADDED_NOISE * 100000) xflip = rand() % n; #endif steps++; X[xflip] = -X[xflip]; swap(falseadd[xflip], sat1sub[xflip]); swap(satadd[xflip], satmsub[xflip]); swapint(make[xflip], brake[xflip]); swap(rawsatadd[xflip], rawsatmsub[xflip]); SUMSCORE_XFLIP = -SUMSCORE_XFLIP; for (j = 0; j < nYs[xflip]; j++) { y = Ys[xflip][j]; if (floodtime[y] < f) { if (floodtime[y] < uphist) { for (u = uphist - 1; u >= floodtime[y]; u--) { rhobeta[u] = rhobeta[u+1] * betas[u+1] * rho; cummean[u] = cummean[u+1] + oneminusrho * rhobeta[u] * satmeans[u]; } uphist = floodtime[y]; } weight[y] = weight[y] * rhobeta[floodtime[y]] + cummean[floodtime[y]+1]; floodtime[y] = f; } if (X[xflip] != Ysgns[xflip][j]) { if (--sat[y] == 0) { yfalse[numvio] = y; wherefalse[y] = numvio; numvio++; falsetotal += weight[y]; sattotal = total - falsetotal; for (i = 0; i < nXs[y]; i++) { REAL t1, t2, t3; x = Xs[y][i]; if (++countxinumvio[x] == 1) { xinumvio[numxinumvio] = x; wherexinumvio[x] = numxinumvio; numxinumvio++; } if (x == xflip) continue; t1 = weight[y] * satdiff[1]; falseadd[x] += t1; make[x]++; t2 = weight[y] * satdiff[2]; t3 = satadd[x] - t2; if (t3 <= 0.0) { SUMSCORE_X += t1 - satadd[x]; satadd[x] = rawsatadd[x] = 0.0; } else { SUMSCORE_X += t1 - t2; satadd[x] = t3; rawsatadd[x] -= satdiff[2]; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < nXs[y]; i++) { if ((x = Xs[y][i]) == xflip) continue; if (Xsgns[y][i] != X[x]) { REAL t1; t1 = weight[y] * diffdiff[sat[y]+1]; satadd[x] += t1; rawsatadd[x]+= diffdiff[sat[y]+1]; SUMSCORE_X += t1; } else if (sat[y] == 1) { REAL t1, t2, t3; t1 = weight[y] * satdiff[1]; sat1sub[x] += t1; brake[x]++; t2 = weight[y] * satdiff[2]; t3 = satmsub[x] - t2; if (t3 <= 0.0) { SUMSCORE_X -= t1 - satmsub[x]; satmsub[x] = rawsatmsub[x] = 0.0; } else { SUMSCORE_X -= t1 - t2; rawsatmsub[x] -= satdiff[2]; satmsub[x] = t3; } } else { REAL t1; t1 = weight[y] * diffdiff[sat[y]]; satmsub[x] += t1; rawsatmsub[x] += diffdiff[sat[y]]; SUMSCORE_X -= t1; } } } } else { if (++sat[y] == 1) { numvio--; yfalse[wherefalse[y]] = yfalse[numvio]; wherefalse[yfalse[numvio]] = wherefalse[y]; falsetotal -= weight[y]; sattotal = total - falsetotal; for (i = 0; i < nXs[y]; i++) { REAL t1; x = Xs[y][i]; if (--countxinumvio[x] == 0) { int wheredrop, endx; numxinumvio--; endx = xinumvio[numxinumvio]; wheredrop = wherexinumvio[x]; xinumvio[wheredrop] = endx; wherexinumvio[endx] = wheredrop; } if (x == xflip) continue; t1 = weight[y] * satdiff[2]; satadd[x] += t1; rawsatadd[x] += satdiff[2]; if (--make[x] == 0) { SUMSCORE_X += t1 - falseadd[x]; falseadd[x] = 0.0; } else { REAL t2; t2 = weight[y] * satdiff[1]; falseadd[x] -= t2; SUMSCORE_X += t1 - t2; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < nXs[y]; i++) { if ((x = Xs[y][i]) == xflip) continue; if (Xsgns[y][i] != X[x]) { REAL t1, t2; t1 = weight[y] * diffdiff[sat[y]]; t2 = satadd[x] - t1; if (t2 <= 0.0) { SUMSCORE_X -= satadd[x]; satadd[x] = rawsatadd[x] = 0.0; } else { SUMSCORE_X -= t1; satadd[x] = t2; rawsatadd[x] -= diffdiff[sat[y]]; } } else if (sat[y] == 2) { REAL t1; t1 = weight[y] * satdiff[2]; satmsub[x] += t1; rawsatmsub[x] += satdiff[2]; if (--brake[x] == 0) { SUMSCORE_X -= (t1 - sat1sub[x]); sat1sub[x] = 0.0; } else { REAL t2; t2 = weight[y] * satdiff[1]; sat1sub[x] -= t2; SUMSCORE_X -= (t1 - t2); } } else { REAL t1, t2; t1 = weight[y] * diffdiff[sat[y]-1]; t2 = satmsub[x] - t1; if (t2 <= 0.0) { SUMSCORE_X -= satmsub[x]; satmsub[x] = rawsatmsub[x] = 0.0; } else { SUMSCORE_X += t1; satmsub[x] = t2; rawsatmsub[x] -= diffdiff[sat[y]-1]; } } } } } } } /********** t **************/ if (numvio == 0) break; } /********* r ***************/ if (numvio > 0) r--; results->numFlips = steps; results->numReweights = floods; results->numRestarts = r + 1; results->numSatisfied = m - numvio; results->isSatisfied = numvio == 0; #include "copysoln.c" #include "mobility3.c" } void postSolve(SATParams *params) { free(cumcount); free(satdiff); free(diffdiff); free(satscore); free(sat); free(weight); free(yfalse); free(wherefalse); free(floodtime); free(betas); free(satmeans); free(rhobeta); free(cummean); free(falseadd); free(satadd); free(sat1sub); free(satmsub); free(sumscore); free(xinumvio); free(countxinumvio); free(wherexinumvio); #if USE_HEAP free(scorevar); free(varheapind); #endif free(make); free(brake); free(rawsatadd); free(rawsatmsub); free(maxXs); } SATParams *getSATParams() { SATParams *params; params = malloc(sizeof(SATParams)); params->numIntParams = 5; params->intParams = malloc(params->numIntParams * sizeof(int)); params->intParamNames = malloc(params->numIntParams * sizeof(char*)); params->intParamDescs = malloc(params->numIntParams * sizeof(char*)); params->intParamNames[0] = "-mf"; params->intParamDescs[0] = "max flips before restarting"; params->intParams[0] = 0; params->intParamNames[1] = "-mr"; params->intParamDescs[1] = "max restarts before aborting"; params->intParams[1] = 0; params->intParamNames[2] = "-pcp"; params->intParamDescs[2] = "number of floods between partial corrections"; params->intParams[2] = 0; params->intParamNames[3] = "-fcp"; params->intParamDescs[3] = "number of partial corrections between full corrections"; params->intParams[3] = 0; params->intParamNames[4] = "-lc"; params->intParamDescs[4] = "number of literals in smoothing"; params->intParams[4] = 0; params->numDoubleParams = 2; params->doubleParams = malloc(params->numDoubleParams * sizeof(double)); params->doubleParamNames = malloc(params->numDoubleParams * sizeof(char*)); params->doubleParamDescs = malloc(params->numDoubleParams * sizeof(char*)); params->doubleParamNames[0] = "-del"; params->doubleParamDescs[0] = "target post-flood gradient"; params->doubleParams[0] = 0; params->doubleParamNames[1] = "-rho"; params->doubleParamDescs[1] = "rate of weight shrinkage to mean for sat clauses"; params->doubleParams[1] = 0; params->numStringParams = 0; return params; } char *getSolverIdentity() { #if USE_HEAP return "$RCSfile: sdfflt.c,v $ $Revision: 1.53 $ $Date: 2001/11/23 06:46:20 $ (using heap)"; #else #if PRIORITIZE_FALSE_CLAUSE_VARS return "$RCSfile: sdfflt.c,v $ $Revision: 1.53 $ $Date: 2001/11/23 06:46:20 $ (prioritized false clauses)"; #else return "$RCSfile: sdfflt.c,v $ $Revision: 1.53 $ $Date: 2001/11/23 06:46:20 $"; #endif #endif } #if USE_HEAP inline void heapify(REAL *valArr, int *indArr, int *invArr, int heapsize, int node) { int left, right, largest; while (1) { left = 2 * node; right = left + 1; if (left <= heapsize && valArr[left] > valArr[node]) largest = left; else largest = node; if (right <= heapsize && valArr[right] > valArr[largest]) largest = right; if (largest != node) { swapint(invArr[indArr[node]], invArr[indArr[largest]]); swap(valArr[node], valArr[largest]); swapint(indArr[node], indArr[largest]); node = largest; } else break; } } inline void rebuildHeap(REAL *valArr, int *indArr, int *invArr, int heapsize, int start) { int node; for (node = start; node >= 1; node--) { heapify(valArr, indArr, invArr, heapsize, node); } /* checkHeap(valArr, indArr, invArr, heapsize); */ } inline void buildHeap(REAL *valArr, int *indArr, int *invArr, int heapsize) { rebuildHeap(valArr, indArr, invArr, heapsize, heapsize / 2); } #endif