Checker Positions by Color

The links below display the number of checker positions sorted by the number black and white
pieces on the board. Each entry has the following format:

[nb][nw][0][0]: # of positions

where nb and nw represent the total number of black and white pieces on the board.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1 Piece Positions:

1000: 60
0100: 60

Total Number of Positions:

2 Piece Positions:

2000: 1742
1100: 3488
0200: 1742

Total Number of Postions:
3 Piece Positions:

3000: 32596
2100: 98016
1200: 98016
0300: 32596

Total Number of Positions: 261224

4 Piece Positions:

4000: 441729
3100: 1773192
2200: 2662932
1300: 1773192
0400: 441729

Total Number of Positions: 7092774

5 Piece Positions:

5000: 4618712
4100: 23204660
3200: 46520744
2300: 46520744
1400: 23204660
0500: 4618712

Total Number of Positions: 148688232

6 Piece Positions:

6000: 38763144
5100: 233999928
4200: 587139846
3300: 783806128
2400: 587139846
1500: 233999928
0600: 38763144

Total Number of Positions: 2503611964

7 Piece Positions:

7000: 268208928
6100: 1891451952
5200: 5702475480
4300: 9527629380
3400: 9527629380
2500: 5702475480
1600: 1891451952
0700: 268208928


Total Number of Positions: 34779531480

8 Piece Positions:

8000: 1559478960
7100: 12586073760
6200: 44328555960
5300: 88991228360
4400: 111378534401
3500: 88991228360
2600: 44328555960
1700: 12586073760
0800: 1559478960

Total Number of Positions: 406309208481

9 Piece Positions:

9000: 7727965440
8100: 70265819520
7200: 283221294720
6300: 664224041920
5400: 998874699888
4500: 998874699888
3600: 664224041920
2700: 283221294720
1800: 70265819520
0900: 7727965440

Total Number of Positions:

10 Piece Positions:

A000: 32987784960
9100: 333752889600
8200: 1515565746240
7300: 4067726816640
6400: 7146167161104
5500: 8586481972128
4600: 7146167161104
3700: 4067726816640
2800: 1515565746240
1900: 333752889600
0A00: 32987784960

Total Number of Positions: 34778882769216

11 Piece Positions:

B000: 122283632640
A100: 1362978439680
9200: 6887020757760
8300: 20824574756480
7400: 41868336585152
6500: 58769595279296
5600: 58769595279296
4700: 41868336585152
3800: 20824574756480
2900: 6887020757760
1A00: 1362978439680
0B00: 122283632640

Total Number of Positions:

12 Piece Positions:

C000: 396093384960
B100: 4823746237440
A200: 26851918030080
9300: 90346737184000
8400: 204639569123616
7500: 328734036242304
6600: 384033878250176
5700: 328734036242304
4800: 204639569123616
3900: 90346737184000
2A00: 26851918030080
1B00: 4823746237440
0C00: 396093384960

Total Number of Positions:

13 Piece Positions:

C100: 14883694525440
B200: 90524773847040
A300: 335546542679040
9400: 845711231363328
8500: 1530539652491520 7600: 2046244120757760 6700: 2046244120757760 5800: 1530539652491520 4900: 845711231363328
3A00: 335546542679040
2B00: 90524773847040
1C00: 14883694525440

Total Number of Positions:

14 Piece Positions:

C200: 265403129172480
B300: 1074872266311680 A400: 2984517167016704 9500: 6010195086646784 8600: 9052504356248320 7700: 10359927057187840 6800: 9052504356248320 5900: 6010195086646784 4A00: 2984517167016704 3B00: 1074872266311680 2C00: 265403129172480

Total Number of Positions:

15 Piece Positions:

C300: 2986107827215360 B400: 9059159259174912 A500: 20097870403083264 9600: 33683875907607552 8700: 43428742062013440 7800: 43428742062013440 6900: 33683875907607552 5A00: 20097870403083264 4B00: 9059159259174912 3C00: 2986107827215360

Total Number of Positions:

16 Piece Positions:

C400: 23774238271516416 B500: 57628014864027648 A600: 106402818906160128 9700: 152651138526222336 8800: 171975762422069760 7900: 152651138526222336 6A00: 106402818906160128 5B00: 57628014864027648 4C00: 23774238271516416

Total Number of Positions:

17 Piece Positions:

C500: 142370413125066752 B600: 287212852870053888 A700: 453939604570079232 9800: 569058493921640448 8900: 569058493921640448 7A00: 453939604570079232 6B00: 287212852870053888 5C00: 142370413125066752

Total Number of Positions:

18 Piece Positions:

C600: 665365502862008320 B700:1148997068437585920 A800:1586809956845076480 9900: 1765698358650175488 8A00:1586809956845076480 7B00:1148997068437585920 6C00: 665365502862008320


Total Number of Positions:

19 Piece Positions:

C700:2484929094192168960 B800: 3749594089278013440 A900: 4596454069579874304 9A00: 4596454069579874304 8B00: 3749594089278013440 7C00: 2484929094192168960

Total Number of Positions:

20 Piece Positions:

C800:7531812612134420480 B900:10087935499670126592 AA00:11113460838901284864 9B00:10087935499670126592 8C00:7531812612134420480

Total Number of Positions:

21 Piece Positions:

C900:18709551271444873216 BA00:22520313165772750848 AB00:22520313165772750848 9C00:18709551271444873216

Total Number of Positions:

22 Piece Positions:

CA00:38296410480294100992 BB00:41842926176229654528 AC00:38296410480294100992

Total Number of Positions:

23 Piece Positions:

CB00:64703454024590950400 BC00:64703454024590950400

Total Number of Positions:

24 Piece Positions:



Total Number of Positions:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24