entity new_entity is

architecture entity_arch of new_entity is
-- first you must declare your components and signals:

component first_component is
port(         -- port declaration just like in entity declaration
              -- you could copy this from the file and
              -- replace 'entity' with 'component'
    input_port: in std_logic;
    output_port: out std_logic
end component;


    -- now you have to declare the signals you need
    signal signal_1, ..., signal_n : std_logic;

-- components have to be instantiated now:
first_1 : first_component
    port map ( -- you can connect signals explicitly
       input_port => signal_1;
       output_port => signal_2;

-- you can have multiple instances of one component
first_2 : first_component
    -- you can also connect signals implicitly based on
    -- order listed
    port map (signal_2, ..., signal_3);
    -- because signal_2 is the output of one component and
    -- the input of another, it means that this pair of
    -- outputs and inputs are connected

          ... more instantiations or other code

-- you can also map the ports of your current entity
-- to the components in your design

-- Note: This file has all the same capabilities of other
-- VHDL files.  That is, you can have processes, functions
-- and use this entity in other higher level files.
-- That being said, it is recommended that your structural
-- description contain only component instantiations and
-- not behavioural code

end architecture;

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Created by  Paras Mehta, 2003.