Lab Report Requirements and Guidelines


Lab reports should be typed, and must be handed in on paper by the due date, at the beginning of class. Your Lab reports should contain the following sections:

Title Page

Place the course number, lab number, lab title and your name(s) on the title page. Do not place your ID number(s) on the title page - place these (with your name) on the top right of the next page.


What is the purpose of this lab? This section should be brief and to the point. Do not quote from the lab assignment, but rather find your own words to describe the lab. Mention any specific learning or design goals for this lab.


How did you arrive at your solution? Include truth tables, Karnaugh maps, boolean algebra equations, block diagrams and anything else that shows how you moved from the problem presented in the assignment to your final solution. If you tried more than one approach before arriving at an acceptable solution, you can mention that here. Even if some of this was done as part of the prelab, re-include it here so that your report is complete.


Present your solution. Describe what each of your modules does and how they work together to complete your solution.  Include code if necessary, but this section should not simply be a listing of code.  Be sure to make the material flow so the reader can understand your solution.


Describe how you verified that your solution did work.  If you used the testbench for this, describe problems that may have come up and how you dealt with them.  If you didn't use the testbench, show simulation waveforms that show that your design does actually perform as required. For larger labs, you may want to show verification for individual components that caused problems in the design rather than for the entire design. This will show that the component has been fixed. You should include verification (or partial verification, if complete verification would too much space) of at least one component you have worked on for each lab. (If you created or modified a testbench, inlcude this with your code submission.)


Answer any questions asked in the lab assignment.


What did you learn in this lab? Did you have any difficulties with your design?


We would appreciate your comments on the lab. Was the assignment clear? Was the time allotted for the lab appropriate? Was the lab interesting and/or enjoyable? What did you like most and least about this lab, how would you improve it (with respect to the previous issues, as well as other points you might want to mention)? Was the testbench provided helpful, or did it just make your design more cumbersome?  Please make your comments constructive and specific - telling us that this lab sucked does not help us make it better!

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Created by Paul Berube, 2001, Paras Mehta, 2003.