The decision about how to implement trees is extremely similar to the decision about how to implement lists. The main issues are:
T1 = T2
? Do you get a copy or do you unify the two
things? If you subsequently change one of them, what happens to
the other? Similarly for JOIN.
However, in the interest of exploring alternative possibilities the actual implementation you'll be working with does differ in some fundamental ways from the list implementation you've been working with.
L1 = L2
meant that L1
pointed to the same header ... i.e. all the memory
that contained any of the information about the list was identical
whether one used L1
or L2
to access it. We
could use the same header structure for trees ... with virtually no
But we will not do the same thing we did for lists. In order for you to see what is good, and what is bad, about not having headers for data structures we will implement trees without headers.
In our implementation a tree is a pointer to its root node. An empty tree is represented by a NULL pointer. This has one significant drawback: we cannot `side-effect' an empty tree like we could side-effect an empty list.
Consider insert(l,e)
: l
is a pointer to a
header. If l
is empty, its header's first
field contains a NULL pointer; after insertion, it contains a pointer
to the first node in the list and that node contains element
Now, if a list was implemented by a pointer to its first node, and
an empty list by a NULL pointer, insert
would not be able
to operate on an empty list by means of side-effects. Consider the
function definition:
void insert (list l,element e) { ... }And suppose it is called on an empty list:
list l = (list) NULL; insert(l,e);
allocates a new node to hold
, but what is it supposed to do with the pointer to that
node? In order to modify the original list l
, we could
pass a pointer to l
instead of l
void insert (list *l,element e) { ... }but this complicates the calling sequence
since we need to pass the address
of l
rather than l
itself and has other
undesirable consequences.
Instead, we will insist that the modified list be returned
as the value of the call. Thus, a typical calling sequence would be:
l = insert(l,e)
, and the function definition would be of
the form:
list insert (list l,element e) { ... }
Our implementation of trees will follow this latter approach. In particular, the JOIN operation will be required to return the result of joining its two argument trees.
If we destroy a subtree we will first prune it from the tree that contains it. In this way, the subtree is safely deleted from the larger tree. Note that this is very different than what we did when we destroyed an window for lists: destroying a window had no effect on the list, or even the node the window was on. We could have done the same here, destroy a subtree could leave the larger tree alone. But we will have it do more.
Now what happens to the subtrees that are contained in the tree we destroy? Well, the memory for the nodes in our tree will be returned, so all the subtrees (which are really just pointers to these nodes) will become invalid. Without having headers, there is no way for us to access these subtrees and set them to NULL. We have no choice, without headers we can do nothing. The subtrees will just become invalid pointers.
typedef enum {Left,Right,Up} direction; typedef int element; typedef struct node { element value; struct node *left,*right,*up; } node; typedef node *binary_tree;As you can see each binary tree contains a root value as well as pointers to all its immediate `relatives', its left and right subtrees, and its parent tree. We have defined binary trees in general, and for the next couple of lectures we are going to look at special kinds of binary trees: binary trees that have specific properties that make certain kinds of processing very efficient. The first special kind of binary tree we will look at is Binary Search Trees (section 8.2). These are binary trees with specific properties that make it very efficient to search for a value in the tree.